New gTLD Program Next Round
GAC Participation/Interest on Matters Related to Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs
GAC members have actively participated in the GNSO Subsequent Rounds for New gTLD PDP WG. As part of this effort, and GAC wide interest in this important topic, the GAC formed a Focal Group on Next Rounds of New gTLDs following ICANN64 to build capacity within the GAC and ensuring timely input into the final deliberations of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG. The Focal Group evolved with the workload associated to the next round of new gTLDs and GAC members interested in the topic now participate in the GAC Small Team on the Next Round of New gTLDs. Interested GAC members who wish to join this effort are invited to email to be added to the Small Team mailing list.
Following the delivery of the Final Report on the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG to the ICANN Board, GAC members have remained engaged and interested in this topic and continue to discuss this topic at GAC meetings around ICANN meetings.
GAC members continue to follow ongoing work around this topic, notably the Operational Design Phase currently being undertaken by ICANN org, and discussing potential areas for GAC Advice to the ICANN Board relative to Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs.
GAC members are encouraged to contact GAC Support ( if they wish to be added to the dedicated mailing list on Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs to actively engage on this matter.
GAC Topic Leads on Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs:
- Jorge Cancio, Switzerland
- Jason Merritt, Canada
Note: For a comprehensive deep dive on Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs, interested GAC Members are encouraged to review the GAC Policy Background - Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs document in the documentation section below.
Since its incorporation, ICANN has delivered several expansions of the Top-Level Domain (TLD) namespace. The latest and most significant expansion started in 2012, and has seen more than 1000 New gTLDs added to the DNS.
In the context of the 2012 round of New gTLDs, ICANN received 1239 applications but only 97 Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) related applications. It means that western companies and organisations mostly benefit from this opportunity. Then, the next round of new gTLD should represent a good opportunity for companies and organizations from Asia, Africa, Latin America and other regions to apply for IDN new gTLDs. The Internet community will not address the digital divide issue just by creating new infrastructures, access to local content is a real incentive to get more people online. IDNs allow Internet users to develop Internet identifiers based on their own narrative, their own language, their own script, their own keyboard.
This latest expansion, known as the New gTLD Program or the 2012 round of New gTLDs, was the product of a multi-year process of policy development, in which the GAC participated, with contributions in the form of policy principles, safeguard advice and objections to applications that could cause public policy concerns.
Several processes that have been supporting deliberations on these findings and wider policy issues related to further expansion of gTLDs have been of interest to the GAC, in particular:
- The Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice and Competition Review whose Final Recommendations (8 September 2018) are in the process of being implemented, amid intense debates, per the ICANN Board’s decision (1 March 2018)
- The GNSO’s Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs PDP tasked to assess the effectiveness of instruments such as the UDRP, URS and TMCH and suggest new policy recommendations in these areas
- The GNSO’s New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP (Sub Pro PDP), and within it, the specific Work Track 5 on Geographic Names at the Top Level
Since 2016, the New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures (Sub Pro) PDP WG has been deliberating by reviewing and discussing the 2012 program and soliciting community input on policy recommendations to improve the next round of new gTLDs. Ultimately, the outcome of this PDP WG will be the basis for the policy and rules governing the next gTLD expansion.
Current GAC Positions
For most recent GAC positions please refer to the GAC collective comment submitted to the ICANN Board on 1 June 2021 to the public comment proceeding on the GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Final Outputs for ICANN Board Consideration.
The GAC has advised that a new round of applications for gTLDs should be carried out in a “logical, sequential and coordinated way” that takes into account the results of “all relevant reviews”, requirements of “interoperability, security, stability and resiliency”, “independent analysis of costs and benefits”, and while proposing “an agreed policy and administrative framework that is supported by all stakeholders” in the GAC Helsinki Communiqué (30 June 2016) as reiterated in the GAC Kobe Communique (14 March 2019).
At ICANN70 (25 March 2021), the GAC recalled previous advice to the ICANN Board to note that “the GAC is seeking a coordinated approach on the implementation of the specified Recommendations from the CCT Review ahead of the potential launch of a new round of gTLDs.”
Additionally, “pursuant to GAC advice issued in Montréal (ICANN66), related correspondence with the ICANN Board and subsequent discussions, the latest on 23rd March during ICANN70, the GAC looks forward to be periodically updated on the ongoing consideration of the above mentioned advice, and, in particular, the Recommendations marked as "prerequisite" or "high priority" [...] for example through a tracking tool that identifies the status of each Recommendation in terms of who is taking it forward, how it will be implemented and when it is expected to be completed, particularly in regard to Recommendations attributed to the Organisation and the ICANN Community (in addition to the Board). The GAC also recalls its advice to the Board in the Helsinki Communiqué that "An objective and independent analysis of costs and benefits should be conducted beforehand, drawing on experience with and outcomes from the recent round."
Such analysis has yet to take place. In this regard, the GAC notes that the Operational Design Phase may provide the opportunity for this analysis to assist the Board as it considers whether a second round of New gTLDs is in the interest of the community as a whole.”
GAC members remain actively engaged in ongoing work efforts pertaining to the next round of new gTLDs as follows:
GAC/GNSO/ALAC Facilitated Dialogue on Closed Generics:
- Manal Ismail, Egypt
- Ronke Sola-Ogunsola, Nigeria
- Jason Merritt, Canada
- Jorge Cancio, Switzerland
- Nigel Hickson, UK
- Ian Sheldon, Australia
GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support:
- Maria Gabriela Mattausch, Argentina (Representative)
- Rosalind KennyBirch, UK (Alternate)
- Tracy Hackshaw, Universal Postal Union (Observer)
SubPro Implementation Review Team (IRT)
- Jason Merritt, Canada (Representative)
- Nigel Hickson, UK (Alternate)
Name | Country |
Marina Flego Eiras | Argentina |
Avet Poghosyan | Armenia |
Ian Sheldon | Australia |
Ingram Niblock | Australia |
Jamie McPherson | Australia |
Dale Buttfield | Australia |
Dr Shamsuzzoha | Bangladesh |
Houégnon Geoffroy Bonou | Benin |
Vladimir Terán Gutierrez | Plurinational State of Bolivia |
Luciano Mazza de Andrade | Brazil |
Marcelo Salomão Martinez | Brazil |
Iglika Ivanova | Bulgaria |
Mao Neang | Cambodia |
David Bedard | Canada |
Kennedy Djikolmbaibet | Chad, Republic of |
Ahmat Tidjani Moustapha Bechir | Chad, Republic of |
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong | Chad, Republic of |
Makka Issakha Sogar | Chad, Republic of |
Yenan Ji | China |
Noel Jean-David Litanga Sangu | Congo, Democratic Republic of |
Venceslas Katimba Kukwabantu | Congo, Democratic Republic of |
Finn Petersen | Denmark |
Amparo Arango Echeverri | Dominican Republic |
Manal Ismail | Egypt |
Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila | Egypt |
Martina Barbero | European Commission |
Jonas Roule | France |
Rudy Nolde | Germany |
Philipp Schulte | Germany |
Szabolcs Szolnoki | Hungary |
Sushil Pal | India |
Pradeep Kumar Verma | India |
Teguh Arifiyadi | Indonesia |
Hossein Mirzapour | Islamic Republic of Iran |
Zeina Bou Harb | Lebanon |
Khaled Altarhuni | Libya |
Ruzamri Ruwandi | Malaysia |
Mohamad Afiq Ammar Tulos | Malaysia |
Neilan Lajkan | Republic of the Marshall Islands |
Mohamed El Moctar Mohamedine | Mauritania |
Marco Hogewoning | Netherlands |
Babagana Digima | Nigeria |
Ibiso Kingsley-George | Nigeria |
Emmanuel Edet | Nigeria |
Frode Sorensen | Norway |
Irene Åmot | Norway |
Melnguis Mesubed | Republic of Palau |
Jonathan Temol | Republic of Palau |
Miver Umedip | Republic of Palau |
Hildeman Rangel | Panama |
Nicolas Caballero | GAC Chair |
Frederico Luis P. Trinidad | Philippines |
Ana Neves | Portugal |
Omer Fadul | Qatar |
Ibrahim Al Maawali | Oman |
Habib Al Balushi | Oman |
Waleed Aloriny | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
Ivan Liška | Slovakia |
Kanishka Karunasena Thanthri Waththage | Sri Lanka |
Jorge Cancio | Switzerland |
Olivier Girard | Switzerland |
Lucas Prêtre | Switzerland |
Isabelle Lois | Switzerland |
Ken-Ying Tseng | Chinese Taipei |
Mwesigwa Felician | Tanzania |
‘Esau LM Tupou | Tonga |
Mohammad Mubarak Al Falasi | United Arab Emirates |
Nigel Hickson | United Kingdom |
Susan Chalmers | United States of America |
Pearl Risberg | United States of America |
Owen Fletcher | United States of America |
Susan Anthony | United States of America |
Oscar Leon | Inter-American Telecommunicattion Commission - CITEL |
Nigel Cassimire | Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) |
Nia Nanan | Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) |
Rodrigue Jacques Guiguemde | Smart Africa |
Hazem Hezzah | League of Arab States |
Khaled Wali | League of Arab States |
Tracy Hackshaw | Universal Postal Union |
Giacomo Mazzone | World Broadcasting Union |
Main chronological milestones of SubPro work
The GNSO’s New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP was initiated on 17 December 2015 to determine “whether changes or adjustments to the existing policy recommendations [...] are needed” in relation to original policies that the Working Group charter recognizes as “designed to produce a systemized and ongoing mechanisms for applicants to propose new top-level domains”.
PDP Working Group Milestones so far have included:
- a first round of community consultations on overarching issues (Summer 2016)
- a second round of community consultations on a wide range of more specific topics (March-May 2017). It received 25 submissions.
- an Initial Report (3 July 2018) documenting the Working Group's deliberations, preliminary recommendations, potential options, as well as specific questions to the ICANN Community. It received 72 submissions in a period of 3 months.
- a Supplemental Initial Report (30 October 2018) addressed a more limited set of additional issues including Auctions, Application Comments, Changes to Applications and proposal to improve Registrar support of New gTLDs. It received 14 submissions.
- a Supplemental Initial Report of its Work Track 5 (5 December 2018) dedicated to address the use of Geographic Names at the Top Level.
- The full Working Group reviewed public comments on its Initial Report and Supplemental Initial Report through to ICANN66.
- The Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs Draft Final Report was published for public comment on 20 August 2020.
- The Subsequent Rounds of New gTLDs Final Report was delivered to the GNSO Council on 18 January 2021 and submitted for public comment on 22 April 2021.
- The final report and the GNSO Council recommendations report was submitted to the ICANN Board for their review and consideration on 24 March 2021.
- The Subsequent Rounds for New gTLDs Operational Design Assessment was delivered to the ICANN Board on 12 December 2022.
- The Subsequent Round for New gTLDs Implementation Review Team (IRT) work commenced in May 2023 and is ongoing.
Title | Date | Type | |
23 May 2023
Work Plans
23 May 2023 | Work Plans | 1684848960000 |
16 Mar 2023
16 Mar 2023 | Publication | 1678970400000 |
14 Dec 2022
14 Dec 2022 | Presentation | 1671009180000 |
20 Sep 2022
20 Sep 2022 | Publication | 1663662420000 |
13 Sep 2022
13 Sep 2022 | Report | 1663072560000 |
01 Jun 2021
Work Products
01 Jun 2021 | Work Products | 1622543700000 |
20 Jan 2021
Work Products
20 Jan 2021 | Work Products | 1611138720000 |
20 Jan 2021
20 Jan 2021 | Report | 1611138600000 |