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GAC News & Notifications

As the GAC workload continues to increase, and as a supplement to direct email communications to GAC participants, this portal page will be used to provide the latest community developments and activities of relevance to GAC Members.

GAC News & Notifications

Publishing Notifications

ICANN82 Seattle Communique

The GAC published its ICANN82 Seattle Communique.

17 March, 2025 15:56 UTC

ICANN81 Istanbul Communique

The GAC published its ICANN81 Istanbul Communique.

18 November, 2024 8:16 UTC

ICANN80 Kigali Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN80 GAC Communique

17 June, 2024 12:06 UTC

ICANN79 San Juan Meeting Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN79 GAC Minutes.

21 May, 2024 13:57 UTC

ICANN79 San Juan Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN79 GAC Communiqué.

11 March, 2024 14:16 UTC

ICANN78 GAC Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN78 GAC Minutes.

12 January, 2024 14:32 UTC

ICANN78 Hamburg Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN78 GAC Communiqué.

30 October, 2023 11:45 UTC

ICANN77 Washington D.C Meeting Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN77  Washington D.C. Meeting Minutes.

27 July, 2023 5:53 UTC

ICANN77 Washington D.C. Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN77 Washington D.C. Communique

20 June, 2023 10:43 UTC

ICANN76 Cancun Meeting Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN76 Cancun Meeting Minutes.

10 May, 2023 15:08 UTC

ICANN76 Cancun Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN76 Cancun Communique.

20 March, 2023 7:00 UTC

ICANN75 Kuala Lumpur Meeting Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN75 Kuala Lumpur Meeting Minutes.

28 November, 2022 14:27 UTC

ICANN75 GAC Capacity Building Weekend Report

The GAC has published its ICANN75 GAC Capacity Building Weekend Report. 

The Capacity Building Weekend provided an opportunity for GAC participants to learn the basics or increase their knowledge on aspects of the ICANN multistakeholder model, its structure, and operations.

It was also an opportunity for GAC attendees to become acquainted with different community groups in order to facilitate future dialogue, and to share experiences and best practices to enhance GAC internal collaboration on various ICANN matters.

In total, representatives from 50 member governments and 5 observer organizations participated in the event.

19 October, 2022 11:21 UTC

ICANN75 Kuala Lumpur Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN75 Kuala Lumpur Communique

26 September, 2022 11:59 UTC

ICANN74 The Hague Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN74 GAC Communique.

20 June, 2022 5:24 UTC

ICANN73 GAC Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN73 GAC Minutes.

28 April, 2022 14:15 UTC

ICANN73 GAC Communique

The GAC has published the ICANN73 GAC Communique.

14 March, 2022 6:42 UTC

ICANN72 GAC Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN72 GAC Minutes.

13 December, 2021 9:45 UTC

ICANN72 GAC Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN72 GAC Communique.

1 November, 2021 12:52 UTC

ICANN71 GAC Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN71 Minutes.

28 August, 2021 10:07 UTC

GAC 2021 Vice Chair Elections

The GAC has published a new Activity to its site.
1 June, 2021 10:00 UTC

ICANN70 GAC Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN70 Minutes.

26 April, 2021 20:15 UTC

ICANN69 GAC Minutes

27 November, 2020 8:14 UTC

Göran Marby letter to GAC on Minority Statement on the Final Report of Phase 2 of the EPDP on gTLD Registration Data

The GAC has published new incoming correspondence to its site.

10 September, 2020 16:15 UTC

ICANN63 Barcelona Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN63 Barcelona Communique.

25 October, 2018 10:34 UTC

ICANN63 GAC Schedule and Session Objectives (as of 4 Oct)

The ICANN63 GAC schedule and session objectives are now available.

5 October, 2018 12:09 UTC

ICANN62 Panama Communique

The GAC has published its ICANN62 GAC Communique!

28 June, 2018 16:41 UTC

GAC Capacity Development Workshop at Africa Internet Summit in Dakar - Draft agenda (FR)

The next GAC Capacity Building Workshop at the Africa Internet Summit agenda is now available.

The workshop will be held on Saturday 5 May 2018.

5 May, 2018 8:00 UTC

ICANN Board letter to GAC Chair on ICANN61 GAC's Consensus Advice on IGO Reserved Acronyms

The GAC has published new incoming correspondence from the ICANN Board on the ICANN61 GAC Advice on IGO Reserved Acronyms.

26 April, 2018 9:15 UTC

ICANN61 Meeting GAC Minutes

The GAC has published its ICANN61 Minutes

5 April, 2018 21:19 UTC

ICANN Board Chair letter to GAC Chair GAC on advice relating to the .AMAZON applications

The ICANN Board Chair letter to GAC Chair GAC on advice relating to the .AMAZON applications has been published.

3 April, 2018 0:00 UTC

ICANN61 San Juan Meeting Minutes

The GAC has published a new set of Minutes to its site.
31 March, 2018 13:00 UTC

ICANN61 GAC Communique

The ICANN61 GAC Communique has been published.

15 March, 2018 14:00 UTC

Nepal GAC Capacity Building post workshop survey

The GAC Capacity Building Post Survey Nepal Workshop has been posted!

8 March, 2018 12:00 UTC

Agenda for the GAC Underserved Regions Capacity Development Workshop for Asia GAC Representatives in Kathmandu, Nepal

SINGAPORE – 15 February 2018 – The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in cooperation with the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Underserved Regions Working Group, announced today the first capacity-development workshop for Asia GAC members and representatives, to be held from 24–25 February 2018 in Kathmandu, Nepal, with the support of Nepal's Department of Information Technology.

Sanjay Sharma, Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Nepal, will give the opening remarks. Almost 20 government representatives from 11 economies in Asia will attend the workshop.

In rapidly developing Asia, expected home to the next billion Internet users, challenges remain in ensuring adequate and secure Internet access. Barriers to participation in ICANN include a lack of human resources and knowledge about the Domain Name System (DNS).

The workshop, which aims to address these challenges, will feature key ICANN policy topics and the relevant GAC and cross-community working groups. Topics will include:

  • Understanding the ICANN ecosystem
  • Understanding the Internet: names, numbers, protocol parameters
  • Security, stability, and resiliency (SSR) of unique Internet identifiers
  • ICANN policy development process

Speakers from regional Internet organizations will introduce their ongoing work in the Asia Pacific region as part of the Internet ecosystem. Workshop participants will discuss effective ways to participate and contribute to ICANN discussions. Additionally, the workshop will seek feedback from Asia GACrepresentatives on how best to support their work and increase their presence in the region and in ICANN.

24 February, 2018 12:15 UTC

ICANN61 - Hotel & Travel Information posted

ICANN has recently posted all hotel and travel information for the ICANN61 Policy Forum in Puerto Rico on the meeting's webpage at: https://meetings.icann.org/en/sanjuan61

14 December, 2017 12:00 UTC

GNSO review of ICANN60 GAC Communique

The GAC has published new incoming correspondence to its site.

6 December, 2017 12:00 UTC

New gTLDs - Subsequent Rounds - Geographic Names as TLDs (WT5)

The GAC has published a new Activity to its site.
15 November, 2017 11:15 UTC

GAC and ALAC joint statement on enabling inclusive, informed and meaningful participation in ICANN

The GAC / ALAC joint statement on Enabling inclusive informed and meaningful participation at ICANN is now available.

2 November, 2017 12:00 UTC

Guidelines for GAC participation in the Empowered Community

Guidelines for GAC participation in the Empowered Community are now available online

1 November, 2017 12:00 UTC

Travel Reference Guide for ICANN60

Travel Reference Guide for ICANN60 Meeting in Abu Dhabi

29 September, 2017 12:00 UTC

ICANN60 GAC Schedule Preparations

The GAC has published a new Activity to its site.
4 August, 2017 15:00 UTC

Thank you letter from GAC Chair to Spanish Minister of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda

The GAC has published new outgoing correspondence to its site.

18 July, 2017 0:00 UTC

GAC 2017 Election

The GAC has published a new Activity to its site.
26 June, 2017 12:30 UTC

Welcome to our Beta website - Tell us what you think!

Welcome to the Beta version of the new GAC website – intended for final public testing before the launch of the first “real” version of the new website. During this Beta phase, we will be fine-tuning the site’s content, navigation and layout based on feedback we receive from you, our GAC Member community.

By now, all GAC Members should have received notifications to create their accounts for the website. If you have not received such a notification, please reach out to your GAC support staff or our tech-support team at tech-support@icann.org. Logging on to the site will give you access to GAC Members only content, so be sure to let us know if you are encountering any issues related to logging on.


You may encounter occasional broken links or error messages. If so, please let us know! This is what the Beta phase is intended for, and your feedback will enable us to greatly improve the new site.

We are working hard to finalize the new site as quickly as possible and will keep you informed via news announcements, like this one, on our progress. In the meantime, we hope this Beta site constitutes an improvement over the previous site and helps show you the direction intended to improve the operational and organizational parts of the GAC website.

For those who have feedback that they wish to provide on the Beta version, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can log on to the site and see a Feedback button on the right hand side of the page, or you can simply send an email to: gac-feedback@icann.org.


Happy navigating,



12 May, 2017 0:00 UTC

ICANN Holds First Capacity Development Workshop for Pacific GAC Members

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in cooperation with the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Underserved Regions Working Group will hold the first capacity development workshop for Pacific GAC members and representatives from 28 – 29 April 2017 in Nadi, Fiji.

The workshop, themed “Harnessing the Potential of the Pacific GAC Representatives for Better Participation in ICANN”, will focus on raising awareness and assist in building capacity of Pacific GAC representatives and governments on how best to effectively participate and contribute to policy making at ICANN. It is supported by the Fiji Government’s Department of Communications.

Shivnesh Prasad, Director of the Department of Communications, Government of Fiji, will be making the opening remarks. 20 government delegates representing 16 Pacific countries (Australia, Cook Islands, Federated State of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) will also be attending the workshop.

For the Pacific region, challenges such as inadequate Internet access, human resource or unreliable Internet can make participation in ICANN difficult. The workshop will discuss ways to assist Pacific GAC representatives’ contribution to ICANN discussions. It will also introduce critical active relevant policy topics, working groups including relevant GAC and cross-community working groups that require the immediate attention and participation of GAC members. The workshop will seek feedback from the Pacific GAC representatives on how to better help them improve their regional footprint as well as at ICANN. 

The workshop will cover a range of topics including:

  • Introduction to the ICANN ecosystem
  • Participation in ICANN’s policy development process
  • Discussion on domain names (new generic top-level domains (gTLD), country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs), etc.) and role of GAC
  • Security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet
  • Next steps for Pacific GAC representatives

The full agenda can be found here.

20 April, 2017 0:00 UTC

GAC Elections at ICANN57

When the GAC meets in Hyderabad, at ICANN57, it will hold elections for the five available Vice Chair positions. Six nominations have been received.

19 December, 2016 0:00 UTC

ICANN57 Hyderabad Meeting Minutes

The GAC has published a new set of Minutes to its site.
15 December, 2016 21:00 UTC