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Join the GAC

New GAC members are always most welcome. Membership in the GAC is reserved for national governments, multinational governmental organizations and treaty organizations, or public authorities. Please consult this page for the application process details.

Join the GAC

New GAC members are always most welcome.

ICANN relies on its Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) for guidance and advice to the ICANN Board on public policy aspects of ICANN's work, particularly with regard to the Internet's domain name system.

The GAC currently has 183 governments as Members and 39 Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) as Observers. Membership is open to all national governments and distinct economies.  There are no membership fees or charges.


Members of the GAC must be national governments, multinational governmental organizsations and treaty organizations, or public authorities.  

Each may appoint one representative and one alternate representative to the GAC.   The accredited representative of a Member may also be accompanied by advisers on their delegation.

The accredited representative, alternate and advisers must hold a formal official position with the Member’s public administration. The term ‘official’ includes a holder of an elected governmental office or a person who is employed by such government, public authority or multinational governmental or treaty organizsation, and whose primary function with such government, public authority or organizsation is to develop or influence governmental or public policies.

For further details about the membership rules, please refer to Article IV of the GAC Operating Principles

Exchange of Letters

In order to become a member of the GAC the interested government or organization must:

  • Send a signed letter, on official letterhead, addressed to the GAC Chair - Mr. Nicolas Caballero.  A sample letter format is provided at the bottom of this web page.
  • The letter should include the full name and full contact details of the appointed GAC Representative,  a designated alternate Representative and any designated Advisors.
  • To submit, please electronically scan the letter, attach it to an email and send to gac-staff@icann.org.  

The request will be reviewed by the GAC Chair and Vice Chairs.

Once the request has been approved, the person or persons designated as representatives or advisers will be asked to fill out additional paperwork confirming the letter information, acknowledging various ICANN/GAC policies and sharing their interests in various GAC working groups. Upon completion of the paperwork, delegates will be added to the GAC e-mail list, and be advised on how to access the Members-Only part of the GAC website.

Sample Letter

[Official Letterhead]

Mr. Nicolas Caballero

Chair, Governmental Advisory Committee

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Re: Membership request and nomination of GAC representative(s) on behalf of [national government - name to be displayed on the GAC web site.]

Dear Mr. Caballero, 

The [ministry, department or agency] is the national authority of [country or distinct economy with two-letter code xx] that looks after matters related to Internet governance, including those under the purview of ICANN.  The [ministry, department or agency] formally requests membership to participate in ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and is pleased to appoint [GAC Representative name (s)] as the representative(s) on behalf of [national government]. 

Please find the relevant point(s) of contact information below:

Prefix or Title:

First name:

Last Name:

Job Title:




Phone 2:


[Letter to be signed by relevant government minister or senior official with lead responsibility for ICANN/GAC issues as designated by the requesting national government]