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Asesoramiento del GAC

El GAC asesora a la Junta Directiva de la ICANN sobre temas de política toda vez que pudiera haber una interacción entre las políticas de la ICANN, distintas leyes, acuerdos internacionales y objetivos en materia de política pública. El asesoramiento del GAC es transmitido a la Junta Directiva de la ICANN mediante un comunicado o una carta formal.


Asesoramiento del GAC

N.° de referencia:


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Consenso alcanzado



In principle the GAC considers that the introduction of IDN ccTLDs on an expeditious basis is in the global public interest. The GAC notes that a conservative approach has been taken in respect of two character IDN applications. The GAC is of the view that decisions may have erred on the too-conservative side, in effect applying a more stringent test of confusability between Latin and non-Latin scripts than when undertaking a side by side comparison of Latin strings. A practical approach should be followed allowing confusability to be pragmatically considered on a case by case basis, following publicly documented criteria.

The GAC advises the Board:

  • the GAC will write to the Board with further reflections on the methodology that should be followed when evaluating two character IDNs.


In principle the GAC considers that the introduction of IDN ccTLDs on an expeditious basis is in the global public interest. The GAC notes that a conservative approach has been taken in respect of two character IDN applications. The GAC is of the view that decisions may have erred on the too-conservative side, in effect applying a more stringent test of confusability between Latin and non-Latin scripts than when undertaking a side by side comparison of Latin strings. A practical approach should be followed allowing confusability to be pragmatically considered on a case by case basis, following publicly documented criteria.

The GAC advises the Board:

  • the GAC will write to the Board with further reflections on the methodology that should be followed when evaluating two character IDNs.

GAC Acknowledgement of Register Entry

27 July 2012

Next Steps/Required Action

Draft letter to Elise Gerich circulated to GAC mailing list, edits and comments requested by 7 September 2012 with intention of finalizing letter after that date.

Responsible Party


Current Status/Communications Log

GAC Response to Elise Gerich.pdf