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Meetings & Records

Full meetings of the GAC are usually conducted three times a year in conjunction with an ICANN public meeting. They may also be conducted intersessionally. GAC meetings are usually open. This part of the website provides access to past, present and future GAC meeting materials, including other calls and interactions the GAC has internally and with other groups.

ICANN82 Hybrid Meeting Agenda

select edition:


Seattle, Washington, United States of America 08 March 2025 - 13 March 2025


Preparation Information for GAC Members

GAC Hybrid Meeting at ICANN82

Seattle, Washington, United States of America


(GAC Members login recommended)

The ICANN82 Community Forum will be held in Seattle, Washington from Saturday 8 March through Thursday 13 March 2025. The 6-day meeting will be conducted as a hybrid event to accommodate both in-person and virtual attendance and the GAC schedule has been developed by the committee to leverage that hybrid format.

The meeting will present many opportunities for government attendee discussions and deliberations with time for the committee’s various policy and advice priorities and bandwidth for Members to participate in important cross-community endeavors. During the meeting, committee members will continue their work on several key topics that have attracted priority attention from governments throughout the last several years. These topics will include (1) discussions regarding the program for the next round of new generic top-level domains; (2) Registration Data Services (RDS/WHOIS) and data protection policies; and (3) DNS abuse mitigation measures.

As the committee continues to evolve its growing emphasis on capacity development for GAC delegates, the Seattle meeting will incorporate informational and knowledge building sessions during the meeting. During sessions on 8 and 9 March (Saturday and Sunday Mornign) the meeting agenda will feature capacity building sessions focused on issues of priority to members, both local and global.

Much of the GAC’s remaining program later in the week will be devoted to the drafting and preparations of the ICANN82 GAC Communiqué.

GAC Meeting Schedule:

Health and Safety

ICANN org monitors local health and safety risks in addition to relevant advisories and guidance from governmental and related public agencies.  We also work closely with our local partners supporting the event to develop and implement comprehensive event safety plans and procedures for a safe, healthy and productive meeting.

More details on health and safety measures for ICANN82 are available under “FAQ” section at: https://meetings.icann.org/en/meetings/icann82/#faq

This information will be updated as events warrant.

Event Registration - Mandatory for in-person attendees

Anyone planning to attend ICANN82 in-person will be required to pre-register for the meeting as soon as possible but no later than 7 March 2025. This will allow the ICANN Meetings Team to allocate on-site resources effectively. Registration for the meeting is now open.

  • Sign into Your ICANN Account or create an account here
  • Register by selecting the Meeting Registration tile.
  • Click on the Registration link. 

GAC Support staff will reach out regularly to the full GAC mailing list to remind all potential delegate attendees (both in-person and remote) to register for the meeting.

At the bottom of this page, GAC Support staff has created individual web links to each GAC plenary session to enable attendees to access session connection information and supporting documentation as they are made available.


Meeting Page Updates

This page will continue to be updated as additional information (e.g., session agendas, pre-meeting briefings, etc.) about ICANN82 becomes available.