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Avis du GAC

Le GAC émet des avis adressés au Conseil d’administration de l’ICANN sur des dossiers de politiques susceptibles d’impliquer une interaction entre les politiques de l’ICANN et des lois, des accords internationaux ou des objectifs en matière de politiques publiques. L’avis du GAC est communiqué au Conseil d’administration de l’ICANN sous forme de Communiqué ou de correspondance officielle.

2014-10-16-Transition of US Stewardship of IANA and Strengthening ICANN Accountability

Avis du GAC

Référence n° :

2014-10-16-Transition of US Stewardship of IANA and Strengthening ICANN Accountability

First Delivered 15 Oct 2014 via :

ICANN51 Los Angeles Communique

Consensus :

Consensus atteint

2014-10-16-Transition of US Stewardship of IANA and Strengthening ICANN Accountability


1. Transition of US Stewardship of IANA and Strengthening ICANN Accountability

The GAC met with members of the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) and was briefed on the transition proposal process in relation to names, numbers and protocol parameters.

a. The GAC advises the ICANN Board that:

i. The GAC and its Members will be working actively through the Cross Community Working Groups
established on:

                      1. Development of an IANA stewardship transition proposal on naming related functions; and
                      2. ICANN accountability and governance. GAC notes that key operational details for the ICANN accountability and governance work stream are still being developed in the community.

ii. The IANA transition process should be guided by consensus based decisions and serve the public interest with clearly implementable, transparent and verifiable accountability mechanisms that satisfy requirements of all affected stakeholders.

iii. The concept of public interest should be seen as encompassing the larger interest of the different communities affected by Internet Governance processes and not be limited to the interests and objectives of any group or set of stakeholders.

iv. It is crucial to make sure accountability processes are guided by the necessary public policy considerations in addition to a technical perspective. It is crucial to make sure these processes are structured in a way that all stakeholders are involved – including governments – in order to ensure that the final outcome of the exercise is also considered legitimate by all participants.

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