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Dossiers de travail

Le GAC examine régulièrement un large éventail de dossiers de politique publique ayant des conséquences sur le DNS, ainsi que d’autres questions concernant les fonctions de l’ICANN. Ce travail peut aboutir à des avis consensuels adressés au Conseil d'administration de l’ICANN ou bien à des recommandations pour la communauté de l’ICANN sous forme de commentaires publics. Cette partie du site web contient des informations liées à ces dossiers et activités en cours.

GAC Appointments

Last Updated: 09 Dec 2024
Status: Active
Lead: Robert Hoggarth



Involvement in most ICANN community policy-related activities is open to all GAC participants based on their individual, country/territorial or organizational interest as, in those activities, their participation is generally made as individuals and not as a representative of the GAC or any of its positions.


From time to time, the GAC is invited (as an ICANN Advisory Committee) to make appointments to various ICANN org operational groups, activities and other community work efforts. In some of those situations, there may be an assigned or limited number of seats for GAC community participation where a volunteer from a government or intergovernmental body is of particular interest or value either for experience, perspective, topic familiarity or diversity considerations. In those types of situations, it is possible for there to be more volunteers than seats and the GAC Leadership is then faced with a choice from among a group of volunteer candidates. 


To foster transparency and consistency of process, beginning in 2020, the GAC Leadership established an array of potential selection criteria to help them decide which volunteers to select for the roles that may become available for volunteer interest.


Considerations for Selection:


When a request is received seeking a GAC appointee, the full GAC membership is informed of the volunteer opportunity. In situations where more volunteers than available slots are received and there are otherwise no defined criteria for eligibility, the GAC Leadership considers the following array of criteria when trying to determine an appointee, liaison or representative from among a group of volunteer candidates:  These criteria can include:

  • Basic Eligibility limited to GAC delegates (e.g., an official GAC representative or formally identified member of a delegation)
  • Appointee Experience (past or current service as a GAC appointee considered)
  • Subject Matter Expertise (regarding topic of the work effort for which one has volunteered)
  • Incumbency for the position being filled (experience or fresh perspective are both valid considerations)
  • Diversity (e.g., geographical or other considerations to ensure general leadership balance at the time of appointment)
  • Participation (how active are the various volunteers in GAC work efforts)

These criteria will be shared with the GAC Membership and may be modified from time to time.


GAC Cross-Community Appointments:


The current GAC appointee positions subject to these criteria going forward are as follows:


Role Appointee/Affiliation Term (if applicable)
ICANN Fellowship Program Selection Committee Member Mistura Aruna, Nigeria April 2021 - 2024
GAC Liaison to Customer Standing Committee

Tracy Hackshaw, Universal Postal Union (GAC Liaison Appointee)

Gloria Atwine Katuuku, Uganda (GAC Alternate Appointee)

October 2024 –

September 2026

GAC appointee to the Independent Review Process -

Implementation Oversight Team (IRP-IOT)

Kavouss Arasteh, Iran  
Independent Review Panel - Community Representative Group

Kavouss Arasteh, Iran

GAC Fellowship Mentor

Tracy Hackshaw, Universal Postal Union

Karel Douglas, Trinidad and Tobago



GAC Appointee to the Second IANA Function Review (IFR) Team Edowaye Makanjuola, Nigeria  
Empowered Community Administration (ECA) Nicolas Caballero, GAC Chair  
Work Stream 2 Community Coordination Group (CCG)

Suada Hadzovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Giacomo Mazzone, World Broadcasting Union 

Marielza Oliveira, UNESCO 

Jorge Cancio, Switzerland

GAC Volunteer for ICANN Planning Prioritization Group

Aderonke (Adeniyi) Sola-Ogunsola, Nigeria

ICANN Pilot Holistic Review

Tracy Hackshaw, Universal Postal Union

Bree Alexander, Australia

ICANN Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG)

Tracy Hackshaw, Universal Postal Union



GAC Points of Contact:


Points of Contact serve as the primary liaison and facilitator between the GAC and the leadership of the associated ICANN community group. Operating principles, roles and responsibilities of the points of contact can be found in this document.



Role Appointee/Affiliation Term 
GAC Point of Contact to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) Kristina Hakobyan, Armenia June 2023-December 2024

GAC Point of Contact to the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO)

Ian Sheldon, Australia December 2024-January 2026

GAC Point of Contact to the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)

Manal Ismail, Egypt
Rida Tahir, Canada
December 2024-January 2026

GAC Point of Contact to the Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Abdalmonem Galila, Egypt October 2022-December 2024



GAC Participants on GNSO IDN EPDP:


In response to the GNSO 25 May 2021 Call for Volunteers: GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), below is the list of declared volunteers from the GAC for this endeavor. 


Role Appointee / Affiliation Status
GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (Phase 1 and Phase 2)

Nigel Hickson, 
Representative to the GAC, United Kingdom

GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (Phase 1 and Phase 2)

T. Santhosh,
Alternate Representative to the GAC, India

GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (Phase 1)

Dr. Hamza O. Salami,
Nigerian Communications Commission

GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (Phase 1 and Phase 2) Manal Ismail, Representative to the GAC, Egypt                                 Observer
GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (Phase 2)

Amina Ramallan,
Nigerian Communications Commission
