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Shaping the Digital Future: WSIS+20 Review and the Future of Internet Governance
11:00 - 12:30 UTC
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: WSIS
Session Details:

The objective of this GAC webinar on the theme “Shaping the Digital Future: WSIS+20 Review and the Future of Internet Governance” was to update GAC Members on the plans and expectations of relevant international organizations regarding the WSIS+20 Review Process for the coming year. 

At the invitation of the GAC Chair, and GAC Topic Leads on Internet Governance issues, the discussion was organized as follows:

  1. Opening Remarks by GAC Chair
  2. Introduction
    • Christine Arida, GAC Vice Chair, Egypt
    • Ana Cristina Amoroso das Neves, GAC Representative, Portugal
  3. Setting the Scene
    • Sorina Teleanu, Director of Knowledge, Diplo
    • Deniz Susar, Governance and Public Administration Officer, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government of UNDESA
    • Elena Plexida, Vice President, Government and IGO Engagement, ICANN
  4. Expectations following the 2003 Geneva Action Plan and the WSIS+20 Review
    • Ms. Gitanjali Sah, Strategy and Policy Coordinator, Strategic Planning and Membership Department, ITU
    • Mr. Guilherme Canela De Souza, Director, Division for Digital Inclusion and Policies and Digital Transformation, UNESCO
  5. IGF 2025 Expectations following the 2005 Tunis Agenda / WSIS+20 Review
    • Carol Roach, IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group Chair
    • Ole-Martin Martinsen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  6. GDC Implementation within the WSIS+20 Review
    • Ms. Isabel de Sola Criado, Special Advisor Engagement and Partnerships, Office of the UNSG Special Envoy on Technology 
  7. Update on the CSTD Report and Recommendations on WSIS+20 Review
    • Peter Major, Vice-Chair of the UN CSTD
    • Ana Cristina Amoroso das Neves, Vice-Chair of the UN CSTD
  8. Conclusion
    • Ana Cristina Amoroso das Neves, GAC Representative, Portugal