0900-0930 Welcome
0930-1000 ICANN’s role in coordinating the Internet unique identifiers - GSE
1000-1030 ICANN ecosystem and structure - GSE
1030-1045 Coffee Break
1045-1115 Understanding the role of the GAC and how it works – GE + Manal
1115-1145 The evolution of the Domain Name system – GSE + GE
1145-1230 Open Discussion
1230-1330 Lunch Break
1330-1400 ICANN policy development process and how to contribute – ICANN Policy
1400-1500 Policy issues underway and related GAC advice
- New gTLD subsequent procedures – ICANN Policy + GE + Manal
- Domain registration data and data privacy – ICANN Policy + GE + Manal
1500-1515 Coffee Break
1515-1600 DNS Security and engagement with law enforcement agencies – GSE + GE + Manal
1600-1615 Next Steps to improve the Effectiveness of ICANN’s Multistakeholder Model
1615-1630 Overview of further capacity building resources/opportunities
1630-1715 Open Discussion
1715-1745 Closing remarks and group photo
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