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Совещания и материалы

Полномасштабные совещания GAC обычно проводятся трижды в год параллельно с открытыми конференциями ICANN. Иногда они также проходят и между конференциями. Совещания GAC обычно проходят в открытом формате. В этой части сайта доступны материалы прошлых, текущих и будущих совещаний GAC, включая материалы телеконференций и других типов встреч GAC – как внутренних, так и с другими группами.

ICANN81 - New GAC Participant Welcome to the GAC - Operational Basics
06:00 - 07:00 UTC
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: GAC Activities, ICANN Meetings
Session Details:

As “newer” community members to have joined the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) since the last GAC public meeting (ICANN80), the GAC Support staff would like to offer you a pair of introductory “welcome” webinars to provide you and other new GAC delegates basic details about the structure and operations of the committee and some of the tools you may wish to use to maximize your time and involvement with the GAC’s work and at the upcoming ICANN81 meeting.

An initial webinar, “Welcome to the GAC – Operational Basics“ is scheduled for Thursday, 3 October at 06:00 UTC. During this webinar, members of the ICANN GAC Support team will share basic information to familiarize you with the operations, workflows and tools used by many representatives in the work of the GAC.