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政府咨询委员会 (GAC) 的正式会议通常每年举行三次,与 ICANN 的公共会议同时进行。这类会议也可能在闭会期间举行。GAC 会议通常是公开的。网站的这一部分可用于查阅 GAC 过去、现在和将来的会议材料,包括 GAC 内部以及与其他团体的其他通话和交流。

ICANN77 - Session 3 - GAC Discussion on WHOIS and Data Protection Policy (incl. Accuracy)
19:30 - 20:30 UTC
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: RDS / WHOIS
Session Details:

This session aims to discuss status and consider possible next steps for the GAC in relation to deliberations and implementation efforts aiming to establish a new WHOIS/Registration Data policy framework taking into account relevant Data Protection law.

The GAC will be briefed on latest developments and related policy concerns, in connection with: the proposed Registration Data Consensus Policy (EPDP Phase 1); the ongoing development of a Registration Data Request Services (previously known as the WHOIS Disclosure System) as a proof of concept of EPDP Phase 2 Policy Recommendations for a System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD); the recent activities related to privacy/proxy services, including the Cancún GAC Advice; and dependencies on the scoping of possible future policy work regarding accuracy of registration data.