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Полномасштабные совещания GAC обычно проводятся трижды в год параллельно с открытыми конференциями ICANN. Иногда они также проходят и между конференциями. Совещания GAC обычно проходят в открытом формате. В этой части сайта доступны материалы прошлых, текущих и будущих совещаний GAC, включая материалы телеконференций и других типов встреч GAC – как внутренних, так и с другими группами.

ICANN63 High Level Governmental Meeting (HLGM)
10:15 - 18:00 UTC+01:00
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: High Level Government, ICANN Meetings
Session Details:

Welcome to the “session” information page for the 2018 High Level Governmental Meeting (HLGM) held in conjunction with ICANN63.

This page provides the latest available information about the HLGM meeting agenda.

There is a separate GAC ”activity” information page that can be found at this link –https://gac.icann.org/activity/icann63-high-level-governmental-meeting that provides information about frequently asked questions from confirmed attendees and interested observers as well as other preparation efforts for the HLGM by the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee.

If you have any questions about the HLGM agenda that cannot be resolved on this page please contact gac-staff@icann.org.


AGENDA (as of 18th October)

NOTE:  Each of the four HLGM sessions is designed to be interactive and will facilitate opportunity for Ministers and high-level officials to make interventions during the course of the day. 

10:15 - 10:45: Welcome and Introductory Remarks 

  • Francisco Polo, Secretary of State for Digital Advancement, Spanish Ministry for Economy and Business
  • Göran Marby, ICANN CEO
  • Manal Ismail, Chair, Governmental Advisory Committee

Recordings and Transcriptshttps://63.schedule.icann.org/meetings/901613 

10:45 – 13:30:
Morning Meeting Sessions

Each session will begin with a brief overview of the session topic followed by an open floor and exchange of views.

10:45 – 12:00: Session 1.  The Role and Opportunities for Governments in ICANN – Post IANA Transitio

Background/key message:

The IANA transition has reinforced ICANN’s existing multistakeholder model and enhanced ICANN’s accountability. The new Empowered Community model is a mechanism through which ICANN's constituencies can organize to legally enforce community powers. In this context, governments through the GAC continue to play a critical role within ICANN. In the meantime, the governments are more and more active in developing legislative and regulatory texts related to digital issues which could impact upon ICANN’s Mission.  

The aim of this session is to discuss how to improve the dialogue between ICANN and governments regarding the potential impacts of new legislative and regulatory activities on ICANN and the DNS more generally.

Potential discussion points:

  • Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations´ participation in ICANN: incorporating the public policy perspective into ICANN policy development
  • How is the model working for governments? (in the context of the Empowered Community model)
  • Taking stock: the role of governmental and intergovernmental participation in the GAC
  • Potential roles of governments making laws and regulations that could unintentionally affect ICANN’s multistakeholder model and ICANN’s role with the DNS;
  • Concerns on policy and regulatory proposals in front of IGOs;
  • Exploring the resilience of the multi-stakeholder model and multi-stakeholder approaches to Internet governance


Chair: Francisco Polo, Secretary of State for Digital Advancement, Spanish Ministry for Economy and Business

Moderator: Mathieu Weill (French Ministry of Economy, confirmed)

Subject matter experts: Wolfgang Kleinwächter (confirmed), Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca (Brazil, confirmed)

Invited discussants: William Drake (confirmed), Theresa Swinehart (ICANN, confirmed)

Recordings and Transcripts: https://63.schedule.icann.org/meetings/901614


12:00 - 12:15: First Coffee Break

12:15 - 13:30: Session 2.  Thematic Challenges in the IG Ecosystem – Cybercrime, Data Protection and Privacy

Background/key message:

This session, recognizing the concerns government and individuals have with respect to privacy, data protection and the increases of cybercrime, will address the need to find a way, through dialogue and cooperation, to tackle these challenges.

It will also explore how to maintain human rights and an Open Internet in an environment of increasing national and regional legislation which can have a converse influence.  

Potential discussion points:

  • Seeking a balance between the desire to protect privacy of individuals and the need to combat cybercrime
    • Security, privacy and freedom of expression
    • Restrictions on an Open Internet and the potential for fragmentation of the Internet
  • Role of the Domain Name System community and WHOIS in combatting cybercrime
  • Will there be a global solution, and if so, where will it come from?

Chair: Francisco Polo, Secretary of State for Digital Advancement, Spanish Ministry for Economy and Business

Moderator: Awa N’Diaye (Chairman of the Senegalese DPA, confirmed)

Subject matter experts: John Crain (ICANN, confirmed), Enrique Factor (Spanish DPA, confirmed)

Invited discussants: Bertrand de La Chapelle (Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network, confirmed), Steven Wilson (Europol, confirmed)

Recordings and Transcripts: https://63.schedule.icann.org/meetings/901615 


13:30 – 15:00: Lunch (for Ministers, Heads of Delegations and ICANN high officials)

Guest Speaker: Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General (confirmed)


15:00 – 18:00: Afternoon Meeting Sessions

Each session will begin with a brief overview of the session topic followed by an open floor and exchange of views.


15:00 – 16:15: Session 3.  The Role and Impact of Internet Technological Evolution on ICANN

Background/key message:

History demonstrates that Internet growth is driven, primarily, by major technological evolutions that impact the way people are using the Internet and the architecture of the global network.

This session will explore the impact of the Internet Technological evolution on ICANN and the DNS and where challenges and opportunities may lie.

Potential discussion points:

  • DNS in the emerging technology space and how new technologies, e.g., blockchains, or changes in Internet use, e.g., Internet of Things, will impact the DNS;
  • The role of, and outreach by, ICANN and other organizations involved in the providing the DNS in ensuring a single stable, secure, and resilient Internet (e.g., capacity building efforts and universal acceptance);
  • What measures, if any should, ICANN, along with others in the Internet’s technical ecosystem such as the root server operators, the Internet Society, the Regional Internet Registries, the Internet Engineering Task Force, etc., be taking to adapt to these new technology paradigms;
  • The future role of gTLDs, ccTLDs, and IDNs in this emerging environment; including the maximizing of their value for local internet communities.


Chair: David Cierco, Director General of Red.es, Spanish Ministry for Economy and Business

Moderator: David Redl, U.S. Department of Commerce (confirmed)

Subject matter experts: Tripti Sinha (confirmed), David Conrad (ICANN, confirmed)

Invited discussants: Katrina Sataki (ccNSO, confirmed)

Recordings and Transcripts: https://63.schedule.icann.org/meetings/901616 


16:15 – 16:30: Afternoon Coffee Break


16:30 - 17:45: Session 4.  Global Digital Agenda and Internet Policies

Background/key message:

The discussion in this Panel will, hopefully address the global agenda on Internet issues, as being addressed in the OECD, UN and other bodies, and specifically how, in doing so, we can address the critical issue of the digital divide.

It will also discuss the role of ICANN in developing a more inclusive Internet on a technical level (e.g., IDNs) and also, with others, on a political level (capacity building for governments and their citizens) 

Remaining obstacles to access and connectivity may well also be addressed, and how work under the UN 2030 Sustainable Agenda can address the remaining problems. 

Potential discussion points:

  • What is the role of governments in developing innovative and inclusive digital economies in their own countries?
  • The specific needs of emerging economies with respect to the digital agenda
  • Role of IDNs in offering enhanced access to the Internet
  • ICANN’s technical role to help “leapfrog” the digital divide


Chair: David Cierco, Director General of Red.es, Spanish Ministry for Economy and Business

Moderator: Dr Gulshan Rai (India, confirmed)

Subject matter experts: Andrew Sullivan (ISOC, confirmed) Dirk Pilat (OECD, confirmed), Nii Quaynor (confirmed)

Invited discussants: Pua Hunter (Cook Islands GAC Rep, confirmed), Khaled Koubaa (ICANN Board, confirmed)

Recordings and Transcripts: https://63.schedule.icann.org/meetings/901617


17:45 – 18:00: Closing Session

  • Summary remarks from Manal Ismail, Chair, Governmental Advisory Committee
  • Closing remarks by Cherine Chalaby ICANN Board Chair
  • Chairman Report/Summary and Closing delivered by Chair: David Cierco, Director General of Red.es, Spanish Ministry for Economy and Business

Recordings and Transcripts: https://63.schedule.icann.org/meetings/901618


18:00 - 19:30: Closing Reception hosted by ICANN for HLGM attendees and participants


