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Совещания и материалы

Полномасштабные совещания GAC обычно проводятся трижды в год параллельно с открытыми конференциями ICANN. Иногда они также проходят и между конференциями. Совещания GAC обычно проходят в открытом формате. В этой части сайта доступны материалы прошлых, текущих и будущих совещаний GAC, включая материалы телеконференций и других типов встреч GAC – как внутренних, так и с другими группами.

ICANN62 - Agenda Item 9 - Board GAC Recommendation Implementation (BGRI)
10:30 - 11:30 UTC-05:00
Salon 1-3
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: ICANN Meetings
Session Minutes:

6b: Board-GAC Review Implementation Working Group (BGRI)

The BGRI-WG and the GAC met, with several Board members in attendance, and:

  • Noted a proposal for the Board to conduct an inter-sessional webinar for the GAC on the operation of the Board.
  • Reviewed the operation of the new ICANN Action Request Register as it applies to GAC advice. Some aspects require further clarification, including the treatment of standing GAC advice such as GAC Principles and the status of unresolved items of advice.
  • Received an update from ICANN staff on development of a portal on the GAC website for information on 2-character country codes at the second level.
  • Noted the Board’s proposed timeline for responding to the GAC Panama City Communique.


Action Point

GAC members to provide ICANN Org with any questions on the data portal for 2-character country codes at the second level (interested GAC members).