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Las reuniones plenarias del GAC suelen celebrarse tres veces al año, durante las reuniones públicas de la ICANN. También se pueden llevar a cabo entre sesiones. Las reuniones del GAC suelen ser abiertas. En esta sección del sitio web se puede acceder a los materiales de las reuniones previas, actuales y futuras del GAC, junto con materiales correspondientes a otras convocatorias e interacciones del GAC con otros grupos.

ICANN62 - Agenda Item 7 - GDPR Discussion (continued)
08:30 - 09:45 UTC-05:00
Salon 1-3
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: GAC Activities, ICANN Meetings, RDS / WHOIS
Session Minutes:

Meeting Minutes for session 7 and 15.


The GAC Public Safety Working Group (PSWG): The PSWG supported the GAC’s deliberations related to WHOIS Compliance with GDPR, in particular with respect to the three key developments: the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data, the Unified Access Model and a possible Expedited Policy Development Process to be initiated. Views of the GAC were conveyed by the PSWG’s Co-Chair in the two cross-community sessions held on these matters.

In the meantime, PSWG Members engaged with GNSO stakeholders and the technical community to provide expert input into current discussions, and contribute to the design of practical solutions to ensure appropriate access to WHOIS data. The PSWG met with the Security and Stability Advisory of ICANN (SSAC) to explore areas of possible collaboration with the GAC and discuss the SAC101 Advisory Regarding Access to Domain Name Registration Data which the PSWG welcomes.

Consistent with its strategic goal to develop participation, the PSWG welcomed three participants from Germany, Norway and Sweden, thanks to the support of Europol’s EMPACT programme.