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الاجتماعات وسجلات التوثيق

تُعقد عادةً اجتماعات GAC الكاملة ثلاث مرات في السنة وبالتزامن مع عقد اجتماع ICANN العام. وقد تعقد اللجنة اجتماعات اخرى في أوقات تقع بين اجتماعات ICANN العامة. وعادة ماتكون اجتماعات GAC مفتوحة. ويوفر هذا الجزء من الموقع الإلكتروني إمكانية الوصول الى المواد الخاصة بالاجتماعات السابقة والحالية والمستقبلية للجنة GAC، بما في ذلك المكالمات والتفاعلات الأخرى التي تجريها اللجنة داخلياً ومع المجموعات الأخرى.

ICANN61 - Agenda Item 3 - New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Work Track 5 Discussion
15:15 - 16:15 UTC-04:00
Ballroom B
Dial In Info
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: Geographic Names, New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures
Session Details:

Manal Ismail, GAC Chair

Olga Cavalli, Argentina

The GAC will discuss progress and its participation in the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Work Track 5 (Geographic Names)

GAC Secretariat, in consultation with PDP support staff, to prepare a simplified document on key Work Track 5 discussion points and seek GAC members substantive input to this by the end of May 2018 for submission to the WT5 process.

Session Minutes:


2d: New gTLD Policies: Geographic Names

GAC members discussed geographic names at the top level in general session and also participated in a meeting of Work Track 5 (Geographic Names) of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP.

Some GAC members noted that discussions in Work Track 5 should take into account any material available or being produced outside the ICANN context relating to names with geographical significance, for example in WIPO. The possibility of a WIPO presentation to the GAC on this at ICANN 62 was welcomed, although it was noted that information also needs to go direct to Work Track 5.

At the Work Track 5 meeting, the proposed timeline, including publishing a draft initial report by July 2018, was flagged as potentially challenging by some GAC members.

The GAC will work inter-sessionally on further analysis of the public policy aspects of this work and seek a coordinated GAC input to the Work Track before finalisation of any initial report.

The GAC Working Group on Geographic Names also met – see Geographic Names WG session.