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Meetings & Records

Full meetings of the GAC are usually conducted three times a year in conjunction with an ICANN public meeting. They may also be conducted intersessionally. GAC meetings are usually open. This part of the website provides access to past, present and future GAC meeting materials, including other calls and interactions the GAC has internally and with other groups.

ICANN61 - Agenda Item 15 - Meeting with the GNSO
15:15 - 16:45 UTC-04:00
Ballroom B
Dial In Info
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: GAC Activities, GNSO, ICANN Meetings
Session Details:

Manal Ismail, GAC Chair
Heather Forrest, GNSO Council Chair

Agenda for the meeting:

  • Welcome – Manal Ismail (GAC) & Heather Forrest (GNSO)
  • Update on latest developments regarding Red Cross/Red Crescent and IGOs (Heather Forrest)

  • Update on current PDPs and on GAC engagement in these
  • Completion of implementation of GAC-GNSO CG recommendations

  • Status update on ‘onboarding’ of new GNSO Liaison to the GAC (Julf Helsingius / Ghislain de Salins)
  • Exchange of views on proposed FY19 Budget

  • AOB 


Session Minutes:


3b: Meeting with Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)

The GAC met with the Chair and members of the GNSO Council. The key issues raised were:

  • The reconvened PDP to consider protections for certain Red Cross Red Crescent Names. Progress was noted and welcomed.
  • PDP on IGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms. The Working Group meeting at ICANN 61 will have a “slightly different” format.
  • A general update on all current PDPs.
  • GAC-GNSO Consultation Group Implementation Plan. It was noted that this work has now been finalised.
  • GNO Liaison to the GAC. “Onboarding” of Julf Helsingius as GNSO Liaison to the GAC is proceeding, with France as the contact point in GAC leadership.
  • The ICANN FY19 Draft Budget and Operating Plan. GNSO Council is concerned that support for policy development be maintained.
  • GDPR compliance. The GNSO Council has not discussed the draft ICANN compliance model.
  • The regular SO/AC Chairs meeting.