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政府咨询委员会 (GAC) 的正式会议通常每年举行三次,与 ICANN 的公共会议同时进行。这类会议也可能在闭会期间举行。GAC 会议通常是公开的。网站的这一部分可用于查阅 GAC 过去、现在和将来的会议材料,包括 GAC 内部以及与其他团体的其他通话和交流。

ICANN61 - Agenda Item 12 - GAC Underserved Regions Working Group Meeting
12:00 - 12:45 UTC-04:00
Ballroom B
Dial In Info
Topics Discussed:
Topics Discussed: Underserved Regions WG
Session Details:

Pua Hunter, USR WG Co-Chairs

The GAC Underserved Regions Working Group will discuss recent Capacity Development Workshop experiences and follow up on its work since ICANN60.

Session Minutes:


The GAC Working Group on Under-Served Regions: Since ICANN60, the USRWG conducted two more regional Capacity Development Workshops - in Nepal in February and at the beginning of ICANN 61 in San Juan. The working group will continue to work with the Government Engagement (GE), the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) and Public Responsibility Support (PRS) teams of ICANN Org to coordinate and facilitate the upcoming Capacity Development Workshops scheduled for Senegal in May 2018 and during ICANN 62 in Panama in June 2018. The USRWG will work with the PRS Team to develop a comprehensive online learning platform (ICANN Learn) for GAC members as part of the ongoing efforts and potential strengthening of the Onboarding Program for GAC members. As an outcome, the working group will work to evaluate the capacity development initiative. The working group welcomes joint efforts with other ICANN communities to address topics and specific issues that will be used to inform the GAC and members of those respective communities.