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Les réunions plénières du GAC sont généralement organisées trois fois par an, en même temps que les réunions publiques de l’ICANN. Elles peuvent également avoir lieu pendant la période intersession. Les réunions du GAC sont généralement ouvertes. Cette partie du site web permet d’accéder aux documents des réunions passées, présentes et futures du GAC, ainsi qu’à des informations concernant d’autres appels et interactions que le GAC a en interne et avec d’autres groupes.

ICANN60 - Agenda Item 9 - Meeting with the GNSO Subsequent Procedures PDP WG Co-Chairs (CBAs and Applicant Support Discussion)
10:30 - 11:00 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair
Jeff Neuman and Avri Doria, GNSO New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG Co-Chairs

The GAC will be meeting with the GNSO Subsequent Procedures PDP Members and co-chairs to discuss Community-Based Applications.

  • GAC to provide continuing input to the PDP on these issues (UK, Underserved Regions Working Group).
Session Minutes:

The GAC met with the PDP on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures and had a productive discussion on applicant support and community based applications.

With regard to applicant support, GAC members considered that the issues go beyond ICANN’s Applicant Support Program. The low number of new gTLD applications from some regions may reflect commercial realities and a lack of an obvious value proposition, although general awareness seems to have been low. The PDP would welcome feedback on application fee levels.

With regard to community based applications, GAC members noted that these often represented the lowest entry point for new gTLDs and were often not-for-profit based. The GAC agreed that there would be value in engaging with the PDP on possible application and review frameworks for community applications in future rounds.