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بحث موقع GAC


الاجتماعات وسجلات التوثيق

تُعقد عادةً اجتماعات GAC الكاملة ثلاث مرات في السنة وبالتزامن مع عقد اجتماع ICANN العام. وقد تعقد اللجنة اجتماعات اخرى في أوقات تقع بين اجتماعات ICANN العامة. وعادة ماتكون اجتماعات GAC مفتوحة. ويوفر هذا الجزء من الموقع الإلكتروني إمكانية الوصول الى المواد الخاصة بالاجتماعات السابقة والحالية والمستقبلية للجنة GAC، بما في ذلك المكالمات والتفاعلات الأخرى التي تجريها اللجنة داخلياً ومع المجموعات الأخرى.

ICANN60 - Agenda Item 8 - Geographic Names Working Group Meeting
09:30 - 10:30 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Olga Cavalli, Argentina, WG Chair

Draft agenda for the meeting:

Role of the WG - GAC alternatives for participation in the Work Track 5

  • Which could be the role of the WG in this new stage?
  • Could we review main issues of the WT 5 process and highlight some issues which are important for the GAC?
  • Could we Help co-chair or GAC members participating in analyzing the information during PDP process?
  • Other ideas?

A summary of main issues and comments expressed during the two open sessions about Geographic Names in new gTLDs are being shared with the WG members.

Session Minutes:

The GAC Working Group to Examine the Protection of Geographic Names in any Future Expansion of gTLDs met and analysed the ways for it and the GAC to participate in the new “Work Track 5” on geographic names of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group.

The Working Group decided to ask the GAC leadership to identify a small group of GAC colleagues to join Work Track 5 and organize the work of this group; and to continue its work as currently established and to act as a space for analysing the development of the activities of Work Track 5.

A summary of the two open sessions on geographic names as TLDs organized by the GNSO during the ICANN 59 meeting in Johannesburg was distributed.