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ICANN60 - Agenda Item 7 - Human Rights and International Law Working Group Meeting
08:30 - 09:30 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Working Group Co-Chairs:
Jorge Cancio, Switzerland
Mark Carvell, UK
Milagros Castañon, Peru


  1. Consider the progress of the HR sub-group (report from Niels ten Oever);
  2. ICANN Organization activities directed to implementing the HR Core Value (speaker, Theresa Swinehart).
  3. Discuss the GAC providing potential advice to the Board on its use of Ruggie Principles as a tool.
  4. Consider the situation on the GAC as regards implementation of the core value - a first discussion
Session Minutes:

The GAC Working Group on Human Rights and International Law received an update from the Human Rights Sub-Group of the Cross Community Working Group on Accountability on progress in developing the Framework of Interpretation (FoI) and Considerations relating to the Human Rights Core Value in the ICANN Bylaws, including reference to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. An information exchange on implementation efforts of the FoI was held with the Cross Community Working Party on ICANN's Corporate and Social Responsibility to Respect Human Rights (CCWP-HR). Information was also provided by ICANN's Senior Vice-President for strategy concerning actions being undertaken by ICANN Org to implement the framework in its operations and activities