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Las reuniones plenarias del GAC suelen celebrarse tres veces al año, durante las reuniones públicas de la ICANN. También se pueden llevar a cabo entre sesiones. Las reuniones del GAC suelen ser abiertas. En esta sección del sitio web se puede acceder a los materiales de las reuniones previas, actuales y futuras del GAC, junto con materiales correspondientes a otras convocatorias e interacciones del GAC con otros grupos.

ICANN60 - Agenda Item 26 - Meeting with the ALAC
14:15 - 15:00 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair
Alan Greenberg, ALAC Chair


  1. New gTLD Subsequent Procedures
    1. Country and Territory Names
    2. Community-Based Applications 
  2. Lowering Barriers to Participation (by improving ICANN's information flow to the community) and plans for joint GAC-ALAC demarche 
  3. GDPR
  4. Cooperation in Capacity Building in Underserved Regions
  5. AOB
Session Minutes:

The GAC met with ALAC leadership and members and agreed to prepare a joint statement on Enabling Inclusive, Informed and Meaningful Participation in ICANN. This builds on previous work by the GAC and other community members at and since the Helsinki meeting. The joint statement was signed by the GAC and ALAC Chairs, and the GAC agreed to advise the ICANN Board to instruct ICANN Org with regard to its implementation. At the face to face meeting with the Board, the Board noted that it had provided a written statement on these issues earlier in the meeting.

There was also an exchange of views on:

  • The use of geographic names as TLDs.
  • Review of policy on community based applications.