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ICANN60 - Agenda Item 22 - Whois / RDS and GDPR
11:00 - 11:30 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair

  • Review next steps following scheduled Board-GAC call approximately 4 weeks after the Communique (GAC leadership group).
  • Monitor community developments and inform GAC (ACIG Secretariat + ICANN support staff).
Session Minutes:

The GAC discussed the public policy implications for ICANN of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including their broader global impact on WHOIS services and how compliance should be implemented so that the intent of the 2007 GAC Principles Regarding gTLD WHOIS Services can be maintained.

Members supported the importance of timely access to accurate WHOIS data for investigations by public safety agencies, noting that the 2007 Principles seek to balance law enforcement and privacy interests and that mechanisms to ensure such a balance are available within the GDPR framework. It was noted that a coordinated process for access within the ICANN framework should be seen as being in the interests of all stakeholders, including ICANN, contracted parties, public safety agencies and data protection authorities.

These issues were raised at the GAC’s face to face meeting with the ICANN Board, which did not respond to the specific public policy concerns raised.

ICANN compliance with GDPR was also the subject of a cross-community session at ICANN 60.