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Полномасштабные совещания GAC обычно проводятся трижды в год параллельно с открытыми конференциями ICANN. Иногда они также проходят и между конференциями. Совещания GAC обычно проходят в открытом формате. В этой части сайта доступны материалы прошлых, текущих и будущих совещаний GAC, включая материалы телеконференций и других типов встреч GAC – как внутренних, так и с другими группами.

ICANN60 - Agenda Item 2 - 2-Character Country/Territory Codes at Second Level
14:00 - 14:30 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair

The GAC will discuss the two-character second level domains (SLDs) matter, since their last face to face meeting.

  • Communique wording to reflect these discussions and to include a request for a written response from the Board. (Completed)
Session Minutes:

This remains an issue of concern to some, but not all, GAC members. Several members expressed concern that matters raised in Section 5 of the Johannesburg Communique, including creation of a task force, had not happened; and that ICANN engagement should be with the whole GAC rather than bilaterally.

At the face-to-face meeting with the Board, the ICANN CEO said that there had been discussions with some governments since Johannesburg, and ICANN Org was not closing these off. However, his main focus will continue to be on improved information flows between ICANN Org and GAC members as a matter of process rather than this specific issue.