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ICANN60 - Agenda Item 18 - Public Safety Working Group Meeting
08:30 - 09:30 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair

Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, PSWG Co-Chair

Session Minutes:

The GAC Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) thanked Alice Munyua, who has stepped down from her role as co-chair of the PSWG, for her valuable contribution in the creation and development of the PSWG.

 In relation to WHOIS/RDS, the PSWG highlighted the critical importance of maintaining access for public safety agencies and other users with legitimate purposes, including the general public. The PSWG will contribute to the development of practical solutions that are compliant with applicable laws, for consideration by the GAC.

The PSWG will assess and improve the effectiveness of safeguards against DNS Abuse, including through possible GAC comments on the new sections of the Competition, Consumer Choice and Consumer Trust Review Team draft report, and contributions to the development of the Consumer Safeguards Director role at ICANN.

 The PSWG will continue the development of its future strategy and work plan, as well as general criteria for leadership selection, for possible endorsement by the GAC at ICANN61.