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Las reuniones plenarias del GAC suelen celebrarse tres veces al año, durante las reuniones públicas de la ICANN. También se pueden llevar a cabo entre sesiones. Las reuniones del GAC suelen ser abiertas. En esta sección del sitio web se puede acceder a los materiales de las reuniones previas, actuales y futuras del GAC, junto con materiales correspondientes a otras convocatorias e interacciones del GAC con otros grupos.

ICANN60 - Agenda Item 14 - Meeting with the GNSO
15:15 - 16:15 UTC+04:00
Hall 3
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair
James Bladel, GNSO Council Chair

Agenda for meeting:

  1. Welcome
  2. Developments regarding Red Cross/Red Crescent and IGOs
  3. Update on current PDPs and on GAC engagement in these
  4. Implementation of GAC-GNSO CG recommendations – remaining issues?
  5. Lowering Barriers to Participation (by improving ICANN's information flow to the community)
  6. GNSO/GAC Liaison
  7. AOB

  • Meet with new GNSO Liaison to discuss how to maximise benefits from the role (GAC leadership +ACIG Secretariat).
  • Review GAC-GNSO Consultation Group Implementation Plan and develop agreed GAC response (GAC leadership +ACIG Secretariat).
Session Minutes:

The GAC met with the Chair and members of the GNSO Council. The key issues raised were:

  • The reconvened PDP to consider protections for certain Red Cross Red Crescent Names. It was noted that, while acronyms are outside the scope of the Board’s request. The issue could be considered after the current process is finalised.
  • PDP on IGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms. GAC members noted previously agreed views on the special role of IGOs.
  • Update on PDPs. The need for continued GAC participation was noted. This does not necessarily mean attending every call, but rather being prepared if notified in advance. The information session from Registrars was agreed to be useful and worth expanding with others.
  • GAC-GNSO Consultation Group Implementation Plan. The GAC noted that a new draft had been circulated, and will work on a response.
  • GNO Liaison to the GAC. The GAC welcomed the new Liaison, Julf Helsingius. GAC members asked that he have a clear profile through attending at least some GAC sessions, briefing the GAC and being a point of contact.
  • GNSO Chair elections. The GAC welcomed the election of Dr Heather Forrest as Chair of the GNSO Council.
  • Work by GAC and ALAC on Enabling Inclusive, Informed and Meaningful Participation in ICANN. See Agenda Item 26