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Les réunions plénières du GAC sont généralement organisées trois fois par an, en même temps que les réunions publiques de l’ICANN. Elles peuvent également avoir lieu pendant la période intersession. Les réunions du GAC sont généralement ouvertes. Cette partie du site web permet d’accéder aux documents des réunions passées, présentes et futures du GAC, ainsi qu’à des informations concernant d’autres appels et interactions que le GAC a en interne et avec d’autres groupes.

ICANN59 Cross-Community Discussion on Geographic Names at the Top-Level - Session 1
17:00 - 18:30 UTC
Bill Gallagher
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Avri Doria, New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Co-Chair

Jeff Neuman, New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Co-Chair

The Cross Community Discussion – Geographic Names at the Top-Level sessions will be a chance for the community to discuss and consider the topic of geographic names at the top-level of the DNS, an area where there are divergent views amongst the community organizations, and even amongst those within their respective organizations. During the 2012 round of the New gTLD Program, country or territory names as defined in the Applicant Guidebook, were not permitted. Certain other Geographic names, as defined in the Applicant Guidebook, were permitted when accompanied with supporting documentation. There are currently several efforts underway that are separately looking at how geographic names should be handled in the future, with some focusing on different aspects of the topic. The New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG is seeking to facilitate a community-wide dialogue that allows for the community to collaborate, understand the various needs, and to consider and debate proposals to address geographic names at the top-level in future new gTLD procedures; The goal of the session is to work collaboratively with the community to develop a consensus-driven compromise solution.
Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/xAffAw.

The CC Discussion on Geographic Names Session II information can be found here (Thursday 29 June): 

  1. The above discussions to be reflected in the Communiqué. (Completed).

Session Minutes:

GAC members participated in the cross-community sessions on use of geographic names as top-level domains. While the opportunity was welcomed, the GAC considered that this issue requires greater engagement by all relevant stakeholder groups on a cross-community basis and that a GNSO PDP framework alone may not provide this.

The GAC noted that the current arrangements reflected in the Applicant Guidebook have a history and rationale that should be analysed and taken into account in any further policy review work. Relevant GAC advice in this regard includes:

  • GAC Principles and Guidelines for the Delegation and Administration of Country Code Top Level Domains (2005), paragraphs 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 8.3.
  • GAC Principles Regarding New gTLDs (2007), sections 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 , 2.7 and 2.8.
  • GAC Nairobi Communiqué (2010): Application of 2007 Principles.
  • GAC Durban Communiqué (2013): Future application of 2007 Principles.
  • GAC Helsinki Communiqué (2016): 3-letter codes.

The GAC Working Group on Geographic Names also met see below.