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政府咨询委员会 (GAC) 的正式会议通常每年举行三次,与 ICANN 的公共会议同时进行。这类会议也可能在闭会期间举行。GAC 会议通常是公开的。网站的这一部分可用于查阅 GAC 过去、现在和将来的会议材料,包括 GAC 内部以及与其他团体的其他通话和交流。

ICANN59 - Agenda Item 6 - IGO/Red Cross Protections Update
14:30 - 15:00 UTC+02:00
Ball Room 1
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair

Bruce Tonkin, ICANN Board

The GAC will be discussing the developments and status of the facilitated dialogue regarding protections of IGOs acronyms and Red Cross-Red Crescent national names since ICANN58.

Protection of IGO Names and Acronyms

  1. The above discussions to be reflected in the GAC Communiqué (Completed).

Red Cross / Red Crescent / Red Crystal

  1. The above discussions to be reflected in the GAC Communiqué (Completed).
  2. GAC Members and Observers, supported by the ACIG GAC Secretariat, to monitor the re-convened working Group and ensure appropriate GAC inputs.
Session Minutes:

Protection of IGO Names and Acronyms

The GAC informed the Board at their face-to-face meeting that the Board’s response to the GAC’s Copenhagen Communiqué with regard to GAC comments to the PDP Working Group on IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms fell short of what GAC was seeking. The Board responded that its role is to facilitate rather than intervene.

Red Cross / Red Crescent / Red Crystal

The GAC noted that the GNSO has re-convened the PDP Working Group on Protection of IGO-INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs in order to re-examine the recommendations on protections for Red Cross and Red Crescent identifiers following the GAC advice in its Copenhagen Communiqué. GAC members were interested to identify opportunities to contribute to the work.gTLDs in order to re-examine the recommendations on protections for Red Cross and Red Crescent identifiers following the GAC advice in its Copenhagen Communiqué. GAC members were interested to identify opportunities to contribute to the work.