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政府咨询委员会 (GAC) 的正式会议通常每年举行三次,与 ICANN 的公共会议同时进行。这类会议也可能在闭会期间举行。GAC 会议通常是公开的。网站的这一部分可用于查阅 GAC 过去、现在和将来的会议材料,包括 GAC 内部以及与其他团体的其他通话和交流。

ICANN59 - Agenda Item 28 - Independent Secretariat
14:00 - 14:30 UTC+02:00
Ball Room 1
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair

Tom Dale, ACIG Secretariat

The GAC will be discussing the financing, prioritization of tasks and contractual provisions for the Independent Secretariat, ACIG.

  1. GAC members to again review the requests from the Chair for possible contributions to enable continuation of the independent secretariat. (GAC Chair + Switzerland).
Session Minutes:

The GAC noted that work was underway to renew the existing contract with ACIG to provide an independent secretariat service to the GAC. Further pledges were sought and encouraged as a matter of urgency. In addition, the GAC would work on mid-term solutions with a view to finding sustainable funding arrangements.

Switzerland noted that it was now possible to pay to the funding association in accordance with units of 1,000 Euro; urged members who have expressed interest to arrange payment or contact the association (via the Swiss GAC representative) with any queries; and provided the following summary of the funding situation as 28 June 2017: