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Réunions et enregistrements

Les réunions plénières du GAC sont généralement organisées trois fois par an, en même temps que les réunions publiques de l’ICANN. Elles peuvent également avoir lieu pendant la période intersession. Les réunions du GAC sont généralement ouvertes. Cette partie du site web permet d’accéder aux documents des réunions passées, présentes et futures du GAC, ainsi qu’à des informations concernant d’autres appels et interactions que le GAC a en interne et avec d’autres groupes.

ICANN59 - Agenda Item 23 - Board-GAC Recommendations Implementation (BGRI)
09:45 - 10:15 UTC+02:00
Ball Room 1
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Manal Ismail, Egypt 

Markus Kummer, ICANN Board

The Board-GAC Recommendations Implementation Working Group (BGRI-WG)(https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/board-gac-2011-2012-02-28-en) was created to implement GAC-related recommendations of the first ICANN Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT1), https://www.icann.org/resources/reviews/specific-reviews/atrt.
Its term was then extended to implement GAC-related recommendations of the second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2), https://www.icann.org/resources/reviews/specific-reviews/atrt.
Most recently, the BGRI-WG was re-convened with the mandate of looking into and reviewing “Effectiveness of GAC Advice”, where in some cases, it is difficult to determine whether (or not) ICANN Board has accepted GAC Advice, where there is clear evidence that advice has been accepted, to what degree it has been implemented, and whether or not the GAC feel the implementation adequately meets GAC’s original intent.
The session will finalize discussion on the current definition of what constitutes GAC Advice (https://gacweb.icann.org/x/nACAAg), the structure, elements and aspects of GAC advice, as well as institutionalizing a post communique Board-GAC exchange; and will discuss the way forward regarding logging and tracking GAC Advice to the Board in a satisfactory and complete manner.                                                   

  1. The BGRI will continue its work inter-sessionally, and requests feedback from GAC members on issues raised in the session (BGRI, GAC Members).
Session Minutes:

The BGRI-WG and the GAC met, adopted GAC-Board post-communiqué exchanges as a standard operating procedure, and agreed on a set of activities that the BGRI-WG should start working on next.