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Réunions et enregistrements

Les réunions plénières du GAC sont généralement organisées trois fois par an, en même temps que les réunions publiques de l’ICANN. Elles peuvent également avoir lieu pendant la période intersession. Les réunions du GAC sont généralement ouvertes. Cette partie du site web permet d’accéder aux documents des réunions passées, présentes et futures du GAC, ainsi qu’à des informations concernant d’autres appels et interactions que le GAC a en interne et avec d’autres groupes.

ICANN59 Agenda Item 17 - Meeting with ICANN Board
09:30 - 10:15 UTC+02:00
Ball Room 1
Dial In Info
Session Details:

Thomas Schneider, GAC Chair

ICANN Board 

The GAC will be meeting with the ICANN Board to discuss  a range of issues.


Session Minutes:

The GAC met with the ICANN Board and discussed the following issues:

  • 2-character country and territory codes at the second level: See Agenda Item 3.
  • The Board’s response to GAC advice on IGO protections: See Agenda Item 6
  • Recent dialogue between the GAC, the GAC Public Safety Working Group and the ICANN CEO on mitigating domain name abuse: GAC and PSWG members thanked the CEO for the dialogue and looked forward to further regular exchanges if possible.
  • Improvements to ICANN document handling: The CEO acknowledged that there were problems with lack of consistent document labelling/tracking including in the ICANN website. ICANN was working on a new document management system as part of a major project.
  • Receiving Board responses to GAC advice earlier: The Board would try to avoid conveying their responses just before an ICANN meeting.
  • Changes in Board and ICANN Organisation procedures for processing GAC advice: This is in place at the Board level. The CEO said that ICANN organisation was looking at ways to support fact-based discussions in the GAC, including addressing concerns of individual countries.
  • Options for GAC adding value to the annual GDD Summit: The CEO said that ICANN organisation facilitates the summits but does not set the agenda, and that some cross-community dialogue, or at least exchange of information, should be possible.
  • Opportunities for the GAC to contribute to ICANN work on the interaction between the European Union General Data Protection Regulation and Registration Directory Services