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Рекомендации GAC

GAC предоставляет рекомендации Правлению ICANN по вопросам политики в тех областях, где может возникнуть соприкосновение между политикой ICANN и различными законами, международными соглашениями и целями общественной политики. Рекомендации GAC предоставляются Правлению ICANN в виде коммюнике или официальных писем.

2017-06-29 Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Protections

Рекомендации GAC

Справочный №:

2017-06-29 Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Protections

First Delivered 29 Jun 2017 via :

ICANN59 Johannesburg Communique


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2017-06-29 Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Protections

The GAC reiterates its Advice that IGO access to curative dispute resolution mechanism should:

  • be modeled on, but separate from, the existing Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)
  • provide standing based on IGOs’ status as public intergovernmental institutions, and
  • respect IGOs’ jurisdictional status by facilitating appeals exclusively through arbitration.

The GAC expresses concern that a GNSO working group has indicated that it may deliver recommendations which substantially differ from GAC Advice, and calls on the ICANN Board to ensure that such recommendations adequately reflect input and expertise provided by IGOs. 


This Advice aligns with the view of governments that IGOs perform important public functions for citizens worldwide, and that protecting their identities in the DNS serves to minimize the potential for consumer harm.