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Рекомендации GAC

GAC предоставляет рекомендации Правлению ICANN по вопросам политики в тех областях, где может возникнуть соприкосновение между политикой ICANN и различными законами, международными соглашениями и целями общественной политики. Рекомендации GAC предоставляются Правлению ICANN в виде коммюнике или официальных писем.

2017-03-15 IGO Protections

Рекомендации GAC

Справочный №:

2017-03-15 IGO Protections

First Delivered 15 Mar 2017 via :

ICANN58 Copenhagen Communique


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2017-03-15 IGO Protections

The GAC notes that a dialogue facilitated by the Board on this topic has begun between the GAC and the GNSO (including its relevant Working Groups). The GAC expects that these discussions would resolve the long-outstanding issue of IGO acronym protections and understands that temporary protections will continue to remain in place until such time as a permanent agreed solution is found.  Based upon the facilitated discussions up to this stage,

The GAC advises the ICANN Board to:

  1. pursue implementation of (i) a permanent system of notification to IGOs regarding second-level registration of strings that match their acronyms in up to two languages and (ii) a parallel system of notification to registrants for a more limited time period, in line with both previous GAC advice and GNSO recommendations;
  2. facilitate continued discussions in order to develop a resolution that will reflect (i) the fact that IGOs are in an objectively unique category of rights holders and (ii) a better understanding of relevant GAC Advice, particularly as it relates to IGO immunities recognized under international law as noted by IGO Legal Counsels; and
  3. urge the Working Group for the ongoing PDP on IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms to take into account the GAC’s comments on the Initial Report.


This Advice captures achievements made to date in the facilitated discussions, in the hope that this will be instrumental in resolving this long-standing issue at the earliest opportunity.