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Avis du GAC

Le GAC émet des avis adressés au Conseil d’administration de l’ICANN sur des dossiers de politiques susceptibles d’impliquer une interaction entre les politiques de l’ICANN et des lois, des accords internationaux ou des objectifs en matière de politiques publiques. L’avis du GAC est communiqué au Conseil d’administration de l’ICANN sous forme de Communiqué ou de correspondance officielle.

2014-10-16-Protection of Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) Names and Acronyms

Avis du GAC

Référence n° :

2014-10-16-Protection of Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) Names and Acronyms

First Delivered 15 Oct 2014 via :

ICANN51 Los Angeles Communique

Consensus :

Consensus atteint

2014-10-16-Protection of Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) Names and Acronyms


5. Protection of Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) Names and Acronyms

    1. The GAC reaffirms its advice from the Toronto, Beijing, Durban, Buenos Aires, Singapore and London Communiqués regarding protection of IGO names and acronyms at the top and second levels, as implementation of such protection is in the public interest given that IGOs, as created by governments under international law, are objectively different right holders; namely,

i. Concerning preventative protection at the second level, the GAC reminds the ICANN Board that notice of a match to an IGO name or acronym to prospective registrants, as well as to the concerned IGO, should apply in perpetuity for the concerned name and acronym in two languages, and at no cost to IGOs;

ii. Concerning curative protection at the second level, and noting the ongoing GNSO PDP on access to curative Rights Protection Mechanisms, the GAC reminds the ICANN Board that any such mechanism should be at no or nominal cost to IGOs; and further, in implementing any such curative mechanism,

b. The GAC advises the ICANN Board:

i. That the UDRP should not be amended; welcomes the NGPC's continued assurance that interim protections remain in place pending the resolution of discussions concerning preventative protection of IGO names and acronyms; and supports continued dialogue between the GAC (including IGOs), the ICANN Board (NGPC) and the GNSO to develop concrete solutions to implement long-standing GAC advice.

Responsible Party



5. Protection of Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) Names and Acronyms

    1. The GAC reaffirms its advice from the Toronto, Beijing, Durban, Buenos Aires, Singapore and London Communiqués regarding protection of IGO names and acronyms at the top and second levels, as implementation of such protection is in the public interest given that IGOs, as created by governments under international law, are objectively different right holders; namely,

i. Concerning preventative protection at the second level, the GAC reminds the ICANN Board that notice of a match to an IGO name or acronym to prospective registrants, as well as to the concerned IGO, should apply in perpetuity for the concerned name and acronym in two languages, and at no cost to IGOs;

ii. Concerning curative protection at the second level, and noting the ongoing GNSO PDP on access to curative Rights Protection Mechanisms, the GAC reminds the ICANN Board that any such mechanism should be at no or nominal cost to IGOs; and further, in implementing any such curative mechanism,

b. The GAC advises the ICANN Board:

i. That the UDRP should not be amended; welcomes the NGPC's continued assurance that interim protections remain in place pending the resolution of discussions concerning preventative protection of IGO names and acronyms; and supports continued dialogue between the GAC (including IGOs), the ICANN Board (NGPC) and the GNSO to develop concrete solutions to implement long-standing GAC advice.

Responsible Party