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GAC 建议

政府咨询委员会 (GAC) 针对政策事务向 ICANN 董事会提交建议。这些政策事务涉及 ICANN 政策与各种法律、国际协定和公共政策目标之间的互动。GAC 建议通过一份《公报》或正式信函与 ICANN 董事会进行沟通。

2014-06-25 WHOIS

GAC 建议


2014-06-25 WHOIS

First Delivered 25 Jun 2014 via :

ICANN50 London Communique



2014-06-25 WHOIS



The GAC notes that there continue to be range of initiatives being progressed relevant to WHOIS, including outcomes from the WHOIS Review Team and the recently finalised report of the Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services. Many of the issues under discussion and analysis have public policy dimensions, including privacy, law enforcement, consumer protection and public safety.

a. The GAC requests that:

I. ICANN make further efforts to explain and clarify the linkages between the full range of WHOIS activity for the benefit of GAC and the community between now and the Los Angeles meeting, to ensure that WHOIS activity adequately reflects GAC’s earlier comments and concerns. ICANN should also consider the implications of short, restrictive comment deadlines for community workload. The GAC suggests that ICANN conduct a session for the community on these issues in Los Angeles.

Responsible Party


Current Status/Communications Log

23 September 2014 - Letter from Heather Dryden to Steve Crocker - Review of Handling WHOIS conflicts with National Privacy Laws.



The GAC notes that there continue to be range of initiatives being progressed relevant to WHOIS, including outcomes from the WHOIS Review Team and the recently finalised report of the Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services. Many of the issues under discussion and analysis have public policy dimensions, including privacy, law enforcement, consumer protection and public safety.

a. The GAC requests that:

I. ICANN make further efforts to explain and clarify the linkages between the full range of WHOIS activity for the benefit of GAC and the community between now and the Los Angeles meeting, to ensure that WHOIS activity adequately reflects GAC’s earlier comments and concerns. ICANN should also consider the implications of short, restrictive comment deadlines for community workload. The GAC suggests that ICANN conduct a session for the community on these issues in Los Angeles.

Responsible Party


Current Status/Communications Log

23 September 2014 - Letter from Heather Dryden to Steve Crocker - Review of Handling WHOIS conflicts with National Privacy Laws.