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بحث موقع GAC


مشورة GAC

تقدم اللجنة الاستشارية الحكومية GAC المشورة الى مجلس إدارة ICANN حول قضايا السياسات التي قد تتداخل مع سياسات ICANN ومختلف القوانين والاتفاقيات الدولية وأهداف المصلحة العامة. ويتم تقديم مشورة اللجنة الاستشارية الحكومية GAC الى مجلس إدارة ICANN من خلال إما البيان الاختتامي للجنة او عبر المراسلات الرسمية.


مشورة GAC

الرقم المرجعي:


First Delivered 27 Mar 2014 via :

ICANN49 Singapore Communique


تحقق الإجماع


14. High Level Meeting

The GAC received a briefing from the United Kingdom and discussed arrangements for the high level meeting to be held in London on 23 June 2014 in conjunction with the ICANN and GAC meetings. The meeting will focus on ICANN’s role in the evolving internet ecosystem; and enhancing the role of governments in the ICANN model and the future role of the GAC. The GAC acknowledges the funding ICANN currently makes available to GAC members from developing countries to support their attendance at ICANN and GAC meetings.

I. The GAC requests:

    1. That additional funding for travel be provided to ensure that the high level meeting scheduled for London has representation from the widest range of countries, including Ministers and their staff from developing countries, in line with existing GAC travel support guidelines.

Responsible Party


Current Status/Communications Log

ICANN Board Actions and Updates - GAC Non-New gTLD Matters Scorecard

On 9 May 2014, ICANN notified the GAC Chair that it was in support of ensuring that the high level meeting scheduled for London was a success, and that additional funding for travel would be made available to assist with having representation from a wide range of representatives from countries at the high level meeting.