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Asesoramiento del GAC

El GAC asesora a la Junta Directiva de la ICANN sobre temas de política toda vez que pudiera haber una interacción entre las políticas de la ICANN, distintas leyes, acuerdos internacionales y objetivos en materia de política pública. El asesoramiento del GAC es transmitido a la Junta Directiva de la ICANN mediante un comunicado o una carta formal.

2013-04-11-Religious Terms

Asesoramiento del GAC

N.° de referencia:

2013-04-11-Religious Terms

First Delivered via :



Consenso alcanzado

2013-04-11-Religious Terms


The GAC Advises the ICANN Board that:

    1. With regard to Module 3.1 part II of the Applicant Guidebook:
      1. The GAC recognizes that Religious terms are sensitive issues. Some GAC members have raised sensitivities on the applications that relate to Islamic terms, specifically .islam and .halal. The GAC members concerned have noted that the applications for .islam and .halal lack community involvement and support. It is the view of these GAC members that these applications should not proceed.

Module 3.1: “The GAC advises ICANN that there are concerns about a particular application “dot-example.” The ICANN Board is expected to enter into dialogue with the GAC to understand the scope of concerns. The ICANN Board is also expected to provide a rationale for its decision.

GAC Acknowledgement of Register Entry

GAC: 2 May 2013

Board: 9 May 2013

Next Steps/Required Action

Board Action:

Publish GAC Communique and notify applicants of 21-day GAC Advice Response Period Staff 18 April Complete
Applicants 21-day response period to GAC Advice Applicants 19 April 10 May Complete
Publish GAC Communique to solicit input on how the New gTLD Board Committee should address GAC advice regarding safeguards applicable to broad categories of New gTLD Strings Staff 23 April Complete

Public Comment period on how Board should address GAC Advice re: Safeguards


Public 23 April


14 May


4 June

Collect and summarize applicant responses to GAC Advice Staff 11 May 31 May Complete
Summarize and analyze public comments on how Board should address GAC Advice re: Safeguards Staff 5 June 12 June Complete
Review and Consider Applicant responses to GAC Advice and Public Comments on how Board should respond to GAC Advice re: Safeguards New gTLD Program Committee 13 June 20 June Not Started

The NGPC is also developing a GAC Scorecard similar to the one used during the GAC and the Board meetings in Brussels on 28 February and 1 March 2011.

Each scorecard item will be noted with a '1A' '1B' or '2'

1A: Indicates that the NGPC's proposed position is consistent with GAC Advice as described in the Scorecard.

1B: Indicates that the NGPC's proposed position is consistent with GAC Advice as described in the Scorecard in principle, with some revisions to be made.

2: Indicates that the NGPC's current position is not consistent with GAC advice as described in the Scorecard and further discussion with the GAC is required following the relevant procedures in the ICANN Bylaws.

Updates: http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-14jun13-en.htm

Board Scorecard:

Summary of GAC AdviceNGPC Response
The GAC Advises the ICANN Board that:

With regard to Module 3.1 part II of the Applicant Guidebook:

The GAC recognizes that Religious terms are sensitive issues. Some GAC members have raised sensitivities on the applications that relate to Islamic terms, specifically .islam and .halal. The GAC members concerned have noted that the applications for .islam and .halal lack community involvement and support. It is the view of these GAC members that these applications should not proceed.


The NGPC accepts this advice. The AGC provides that if 'GAC advises ICANN that there are concerns about a particular application 'dot-example,' the ICANN Board is expected to enter into dialogue with the GAC to understand the scope of concerns.' Pursuant to Section 3.1.ii of the AGB, the NGPC stands ready to enter into dialogue with the GAC on this matter. We look forward to liaising with the GAC as to how such dialogue should be conducted.

(Note a community objection has been filed with the International Centre for Expertise of the ICC against .ISLAM and .HALAL Because formal objections have been filed, these applications cannot move to the contracting phase until the objections are resolved.)

Responsible Party


Current Status/Communications Log

10 May 2013 - Letter from the ICANN Board re: Progress in Addressing GAC Beijing Advice

6 June 2013: NGPC Scorecard

Board Action (Accept/Disagree)
