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Рекомендации GAC

GAC предоставляет рекомендации Правлению ICANN по вопросам политики в тех областях, где может возникнуть соприкосновение между политикой ICANN и различными законами, международными соглашениями и целями общественной политики. Рекомендации GAC предоставляются Правлению ICANN в виде коммюнике или официальных писем.


Рекомендации GAC

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Introduction and Delegation of IDN ccTLDs

17. Procedure for delegation of an IDN ccTLD should follow GAC ccTLDs principles: 'Principles and Guidelines for the Delegation and Administration of Country Code Top Level Domains.'

18. A mandated list / reference table of strings representing the IDN ccTLDs of countries and distinct economies, as listed in the ISO 3166-13, would facilitate management and would ensure predictability of the IDN ccTLD system.

19. Competing or confusingly similar requests should be dealt with on a case by case basis and resolved in consultation with all concerned stakeholders.

20. Policies for dealing with multiple applications, objections to applications or disputes that are currently applied for ASCII ccTLDs should be equally applied to IDN ccTLDs.

21. The decision regarding whether an existing ASCII ccTLD manager should also be the operator of a corresponding IDN ccTLD is a matter to be decided by the national/local Internet community, including the government or relevant public authority, subject to applicable legislation. In cases of dispute, ICANN should seek authoritative advice from the government or relevant public authority.

22. There should be some form of transparent communication as appropriate between ICANN and any IDN ccTLD registry to define their respective roles and responsibilities.


Introduction and Delegation of IDN ccTLDs

17. Procedure for delegation of an IDN ccTLD should follow GAC ccTLDs principles: 'Principles and Guidelines for the Delegation and Administration of Country Code Top Level Domains.'

18. A mandated list / reference table of strings representing the IDN ccTLDs of countries and distinct economies, as listed in the ISO 3166-13, would facilitate management and would ensure predictability of the IDN ccTLD system.

19. Competing or confusingly similar requests should be dealt with on a case by case basis and resolved in consultation with all concerned stakeholders.

20. Policies for dealing with multiple applications, objections to applications or disputes that are currently applied for ASCII ccTLDs should be equally applied to IDN ccTLDs.

21. The decision regarding whether an existing ASCII ccTLD manager should also be the operator of a corresponding IDN ccTLD is a matter to be decided by the national/local Internet community, including the government or relevant public authority, subject to applicable legislation. In cases of dispute, ICANN should seek authoritative advice from the government or relevant public authority.

22. There should be some form of transparent communication as appropriate between ICANN and any IDN ccTLD registry to define their respective roles and responsibilities.