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Рекомендации GAC

GAC предоставляет рекомендации Правлению ICANN по вопросам политики в тех областях, где может возникнуть соприкосновение между политикой ICANN и различными законами, международными соглашениями и целями общественной политики. Рекомендации GAC предоставляются Правлению ICANN в виде коммюнике или официальных писем.


Рекомендации GAC

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IDN ccTLDs Strings

8. It is anticipated that an IDN ccTLD string will normally:

    • be shortest meaningful representation of the name of the territory
    • not be restricted to a fixed length, its maximum length being set by the prevailing technical standards with stability, security, integrity and usability in mind

9. Given the different form that IDN ccTLDs will take and the absence of an equivalent of the ISO 3166-1 list used for ASCII ccTLDs, the experience of relevant international organizations should be taken into account.

10. Only the Government or the relevant public authority of the country or distinct economy concerned, representing all relevant stakeholders within its jurisdiction, can provide authoritative advice to ICANN on the legitimacy of any application for an IDN ccTLD.

11. An IDN ccTLD string that refers to a specific country or distinct economy, even if unapplied for, should be reserved for it.


IDN ccTLDs Strings

8. It is anticipated that an IDN ccTLD string will normally:

    • be shortest meaningful representation of the name of the territory
    • not be restricted to a fixed length, its maximum length being set by the prevailing technical standards with stability, security, integrity and usability in mind

9. Given the different form that IDN ccTLDs will take and the absence of an equivalent of the ISO 3166-1 list used for ASCII ccTLDs, the experience of relevant international organizations should be taken into account.

10. Only the Government or the relevant public authority of the country or distinct economy concerned, representing all relevant stakeholders within its jurisdiction, can provide authoritative advice to ICANN on the legitimacy of any application for an IDN ccTLD.

11. An IDN ccTLD string that refers to a specific country or distinct economy, even if unapplied for, should be reserved for it.