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GAC 建议

政府咨询委员会 (GAC) 针对政策事务向 ICANN 董事会提交建议。这些政策事务涉及 ICANN 政策与各种法律、国际协定和公共政策目标之间的互动。GAC 建议通过一份《公报》或正式信函与 ICANN 董事会进行沟通。


Thank you letter from GAC Chair to Spanish Minister of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda

发送: 18 July 2017
收件人: Mr. Álvaro Nadal Belda, Minister of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, Spain
发件人: Thomas Schneider, Chair, Governmental Advisory Committee


Mr. Álvaro Nadal Belda
Minister of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda

RE: ICANN63 High Level Governmental Meeting

Your Excellency, dear Mr. Nadal Belda,

It is with sincere joy that I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 6 June 2017, while at the same time expressing my gratitude, also on behalf of the GAC, for your generous offer to host the next High-Level Governmental Meeting in conjunction with the ICANN 63 Meeting in Barcelona in 2018.

I look forward to working closely with Spain’s GAC Representation in preparing for this event and to meeting you and your staff in person as we get closer to the meeting in Barcelona.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Schneider

Chair, Governmental Advisory Committee