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政府咨询委员会 (GAC) 定期审议影响域名系统 (DNS) 和 ICANN 职能其他事项的广泛公共政策问题。这项工作可以为 ICANN 董事会提供共识性建议,也可以为 ICANN 社群提供公众意见指导。网站这部分内容分享了与这些正在进行的主题和活动相关的信息。

Early Engagement Policy Document - Framework Of Interpretation

ccNSO Framework of Interpretation WG UPDATE

January 2015


ccNSO FOIWG seeks GAC position on its Final Report, including the Framework of Interpretation of RFC1591, and recommendations.


The ccNSO has established the Framework of Interpretation working group, which was chartered to address the following topics:

  • Obtaining and documenting consent
  • Obtaining and documenting support from Significantly Interested Parties (Local Internet Community or LIC)
  • Revocation and un-consented re-delegations
  • IANA reporting on delegation and re-delegation
  • Glossary of Terms

The FOWIWG submitted its Final report to the GAC and ccNSO in October 2014, after extensive community consultation. According to its charter the FOIWG Framework and recommendations contained in the Final Report need to be supported/ non-objected, before they may be submitted to the ICANN Board of Directors for implementation.

At its meeting during ICANN 51(October 2014), the ccNSO Council adopted the Final Report on an Interim basis, awaiting GAC decision on the Framework and recommendations during the Singapore meeting


Members of the GAC participated in the FoI WG as observers and could provide feedback and input. The FOIWG briefed the GAC on its progress at various ICANN meetings in the past. The FOIWG leadership has provided clarification to individual GAC-members. The topic is tabled for the joint ccNSO- GAC meeting.


The Final Report can be found at: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/foi-final-07oct14-en.pdf

The charter of the WG can be found at: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/charter-foiwg-07jun11-en.pdf

The Interim Decision of the ccNSO can be found at: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/foi-adoption-final-20oct14-en.pdf

Background information on the FoI WG can be found at: http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/foiwg.htm

GAC Principles and Guidelines for the Delegation and Administration of Country Code Top Level Domains

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