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GAC регулярно рассматривает большой спектр вопросов в области общественной политики, которые влияют на DNS, а также другие темы, связанные с функциями ICANN. По итогам этой работы могут составляться консенсусные рекомендации для Правления ICANN или разъяснения, предоставляемые в рамках общественных обсуждений и адресуемые сообществу ICANN. В этой части сайта размещается информация об этих актуальных темах и текущей деятельности.

ICANN63 High Level Governmental Meeting

Last Updated: 30 Jan 2024
Status: Completed
Lead: Ms. Manal Ismail, GAC Chair

Welcome to the “activity” information page for the 2018 High Level Governmental Meeting (HLGM) held in conjunction with ICANN63.

This page provides information about frequently asked questions from confirmed attendees and interested observers as well as other preparation efforts by the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee.



There is a separate GAC calendar page which provides the latest version of the HLGM agenda details that can be found at this link: https://gac.icann.org/sessions/icann63-high-level-governmental-meeting-hlgm.

If you have any questions about the HLGM that cannot be resolved on this page please contact gac-staff@icann.org.







High Level Government Meeting Participants

Frequently Asked Questions


ICANN staff has compiled several of the most common questions that have been and may be asked by attendees to the High Level Governmental Meeting in Barcelona, Spain.  If you don’t see your questions asked below, please reach out to the ICANN GAC Support staff at gac-staff@icann.org.






About the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

ICANN's mission is to help ensure a stable, secure, and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet, you need to type an address – a name or a number – into your computer or other device. That address must be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN helps coordinate and support these unique identifiers across the world. ICANN was formed in 1998 as a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with a community of participants from all over the world.

For more information about ICANN, please visit: www.icann.org 


About the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC)

The GAC serves as the voice of Governments and International Governmental Organizations in ICANN's multi-stakeholders representative structure. The committee’s key role is to provide advice to ICANN on issues of public policy, especially where there may be an interaction between ICANN's activities or policies and national laws or international agreements. GAC members discuss issues with the ICANN Board and other ICANN Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees and other groups and deliver regular Advice.

For more information about the GAC, please visit:  https://gac.icann.org/



What is the HLGM? 

Approximately once every two years one of the member countries of the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) hosts a High Level Government Meeting (HLGM) in conjunction with an ICANN public meeting and in addition to the usual GAC meeting. The HLGM provides the opportunity to:

  • Reaffirm the critical role that governments play in providing advice to the ICANN Board on public-policy issues as it relates to the secure and stable functioning of the Domain Name System.
  • Enable all parties to gain a clearer understanding of the role of governments in ICANN processes, including the GAC.
  • Discuss current public policy issues and challenges at a very senior level. These discussions can occur between governments, as well as between governments and the ICANN leadership group.
  • Expose very senior administrative officials and senior elected officials (Ministers, members of legislative bodies) to ICANN, allowing them to gain a greater understanding of the organization and the issues it deals with.
  • Reach out to administrations and governments who are not yet, or not currently, represented on the GAC or in other ICANN forums.


Meeting Time and Place:


When is the Meeting?

This year’s meeting is scheduled on Monday 22 October 2018.  The meeting agenda is scheduled to begin at 1015 local time and end at 1800 local time. Following the meeting a reception will be held for delegates and invited guests from the ICANN multi-stakeholder community


Where is the Meeting Being Held?

 The meeting is taking place in Barcelona, Spain in conjunction with the 63rd ICANN public meeting at the

Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona (CCIB). The meeting will be conducted in Room 117 of the CCIB.


Meeting Attendees:


Who else is coming to the meeting?

The delegations invited to the meeting include governments and intergovernmental organizations from around the world who share an interest in the administration of the Domain Name System. Many, but not all are current members of the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee. As of 1 October, 79 high level officials, many the most senior member of their government responsible for DNS issues, had confirmed attendance at the meeting.


I can’t make the meeting, but would still like to follow the event. Is that possible?

Yes!  ICANN provides robust remote observation opportunities for all its public meetings and is logistically supporting the HLGM.  You can follow the meeting in real time using an Adobe Connect meeting room. You can access the live meeting webcast at this link - https://participate.icann.org/bcn63-117.


Meeting Preparations:


What should I do before I begin my travel to the meeting?



Before you depart for the meeting you should assure that you and members of your delegation have registered for ICANN63.  As the HLGM is being held in conjunction with the ICANN63 Public Meeting, access to the venue and meeting rooms will be controlled by your registration badge. The meeting registration can be found here - https://registration.icann.org/register.php?id=barcelona63


Consider Making a Statement at The Meeting:

The Government of Spain has invited confirmed delegations to participate in the meeting by offering statements in any of the four topic sessions at the HLGM. If you are interested in participating in a session (see meeting agenda here - https://gac.icann.org/sessions/icann63-high-level-governmental-meeting-hlgm), please inform the Spain technical secretariat team as soon as possible at HLGM2018barcelona@red.es. Time permitting, spontaneous interventions will also be welcome during the sessions to exchange views and ideas.


What are the local transportation arrangements, if any, being provided for HLGM attendees?

Most hotels are quite close (walking distance) to the CCIB location of the ICANN63 meeting. 

A number of HLGM participants are located in the Hotel Arts in Barcelona about 5km from the CCIB. To assist those participants in getting from the Hotel Arts to the HLGM meeting shuttle buses have been arranged for the day of the meeting.

The shuttles will be available for Monday 22 October only, 

Pick up times from the Hotel Arts going to and from the HLGM at the CCIB are as follows:

  • Monday 22 October - Morning
    • Shuttle 1, will depart at 07:45 from the hotel to allow attendees to join the ICANN63 Opening Ceremony starting at 08:30.
    • Shuttle 2, will depart at 09:15 from the hotel for the attendees who will not join the Opening Ceremony ending at 09:30.
  • Monday 22 October – Evening
    • A shuttle will depart from the CCIB venue to the Hotel Arts after the cocktail at 19:55 (reception times are from 18:00 to 19:45).

NOTE: Unfortunately, transportation to and from the airport to the hotel or CCIB will not be provided for HLGM attendees.  Attendees will need to make their own airport transfer arrangements.

There will be no shuttles from the Hotel Arts to the CCIB during the rest of the ICANN63 Meeting, only for the HLGM on Monday 22 October.


At the Meeting


What do I do when I arrive?

Please proceed to the registration area to confirm your attendance and receive your registration badge. HLGM delegates (the senior and their attending colleagues) will get a colored (orange) ribbon for their badge to help identify them as HLGM participants. The orange registration ribbon will facilitate guidance to the HLGM meeting room and admission to the post-meeting cocktail reception.  If you miss getting a ribbon or lose your ribbon, please consult immediately with any member of ICANN staff.


What are the seating arrangements for the meeting?

 The senior delegate from every attending country or organization will be reserved a meeting participant table seat.  Many senior delegates will be accompanied by colleagues.  Each senior delegate can designate one person to occupy a seat next to them in each of the four sessions.  Unfortunately, due to space limitations, only the senior delegate and one other person can sit together at one of the participant tables.


Will the available seats be assigned?

Yes.  Each senior delegate identified by the Government of Spain will have two name cards for a table seat - one for themself and the other for their designated session colleague. Delegations will be seated in alphabetical order by the surname of the senior delegate with delegations represented by senior ministers being seated closer to the front of the room. Members of delegations with more than two people will be asked to sit in the designated observer seats in the room.


If I am not seated at my delegation table place where can I sit?

 Members of delegations with more than two people in a session will be asked to sit in the designated observer seats in the room.


How can my delegation participate in the meeting?

The Spanish Government host has invited confirmed delegations to submit requests for speaking/statement slots during the various topic session of the HLGM (see - Consider Making a Statement at The Meeting) in an FAQ above. In addition to requested speaking/statement slots, the sessions are being planned to enable active dialogue. If specific statements or dialogue prompt your high level official or delegation representative to make a statement, please raise your name card to be acknowledged by the session chair or moderator.


Additional Events – Special WHOIs/Data Privacy Session, Lunch and Post-Meeting Reception:

Additional Session Regarding Evolution of WHOIS / ICANN Policies in Light of Emerging Data Protection Laws Worldwide


I have heard about a separate informational session on privacy and the Emerging Data Protection Laws Worldwide..  What is that session about and how can I attend?

The evening before the HLGM convenes, the ICANN CEO is providing an information briefing for senior government officials and their delegations. This special session is not part of the official HLGM program but is being offered to inform high level officials about developments in this critical area of Internet privacy regulations. The agenda will provide an overview of new European General Data Protection Regulation’s impact on ICANN’s work, as well as other unintended consequences as they relate to the Internet’s unique identifier systems that may arise from legislation or regulatory efforts. 

The session will be held in the GAC meeting room on Sunday, 21 October at 17:45 in room 117 of the CCIB.  All HLGM delegations are welcomed to participate. The session will be followed by a small reception for attendees.


HLGM Lunch

I notice that the HLGM lunch is designated only for senior delegates and high officials?

Yes. Following the tradition of past HLGM programs, the lunch session with the ITU Secretary General is of limited capacity.  Only the senior delegate from each country or organization is invited to participate in the event.  Those senior delegates will receive a special sticker on their registration badge to facilitate entry into the lunch program.  The lunch will take place in a different room than the HLGM and attendees will be directed to that location from the meeting room.


What do I do if I am not one of those individuals invited to the HLGM Lunch?

The ICANN staff is making sure that the ICANN63 Food Court will remain open so that other HLGM attendees and observers can get lunch. As the senior officials make their way to the lunch event with the ITU-Secretary General, other attendees and observers will be directed to the food court location from the HLGM meeting room.


HLGM Post-Meeting Reception


Who Can Attend the Post Meeting Reception?

A reception for HLGM delegates and invited guests will be held immediately after the close of the HLGM.  The orange ribbon on your registration badge will facilitate your entry into the reception.  Delegates will be directed to the reception venue after the meeting.




Meeting and Records