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Work Efforts

The GAC regularly considers a broad range of public policy issues impacting the DNS and other matters regarding the functions of ICANN. This work can result in consensus advice for the ICANN Board or public comment guidance to the ICANN community. This part of the website shares information related to those ongoing topics and activities.

GAC involvement in Work Stream 2 Recommendations Implementation

Last Updated: 04 Feb 2025
Status: Active

In March 2014, the IANA Stewardship Transition was initiated and an ICANN Work Stream 1 (WS1) effort was created to develop mechanisms to enhance ICANN’s accountability. WS1 concluded its work in February 2016 and the report of that group was approved by the ICANN Chartering Organizations (including the GAC) and adopted by the ICANN Board in March 2016.

WS2 was tasked with addressing a broad range of accountability topics for which a timeline for developing solutions and full implementation was expected to extend beyond the initial IANA Stewardship Transition.

The WS2 effort concluded its work in June 2018 with the CCWG – Accountability WS2 Final Report and the Chartering Organizations (including the GAC) approved the WS2 Final Report in November 2018.

ICANN org Assessment Report

Prior to finalization of the WS2 recommendations, the Board had directed the ICANN organization (org) to prepare an implementation assessment report, including resource estimates, in preparation for the Board’s final consideration of the WS2 Final Report and its recommendations. The WS2 Implementation Assessment Report was developed by ICANN org to address this need, it was completed on 5 November 2019 and was not subject to a public comment period.

Board Approval of the WS2 Final Report Recommendations and Potential ICANN Org Support

On 7 November 2019, the ICANN Board considered the 2018 WS2 Final Report recommendations and the 2019 Assessment Report from ICANN org and gave its final approval to the complete package of the WS2 Final Report recommendations.


According to the Assessment Report, the ICANN Board has determined that “prioritization and staging of the WS2 recommendations for implementation will be facilitated through the budgeting and planning processes”.  This means that for ICANN org’s WS2 implementation planning, the organization can first identify and move forward with those recommendations that do not need a budget cycle to implement. Secondly, the organization may then have the ability to provide support as available to the ICANN community for those parts of the WS2 recommendations that are intended for community-driven implementation. And, finally, the ICANN org can identify the future budget cycle and estimated timelines for any remaining individual recommendations to be implemented.

Ongoing Work

GAC Implementation Areas 

The Work Stream 2 (WS2) Implementation Assessment Report is being used by the organization to help develop a plan for the implementation of the nearly 100 recommendations. The Assessment Report acknowledged that implementation of the recommendations will be a “significant organizational undertaking that will require a detailed implementation plan and will take a number of years to complete.”


Interestingly, the Assessment Report is careful to note that, “the report does not address the feasibility of Supporting and Advisory Committees (SO/ACs) to implement those recommendations. This is for community consideration.” (see Assessment Report at pages 4 and 5). The Assessment Report further acknowledges that, “several recommendations require community work. SO/AC implementation plans will need to consider prioritization and timing as resources must be allocated” (see Assessment report at page 5).


GAC Support closely reviewed the WS2 Final Report and identified the forty-two (42) individual recommendations that impact the GAC in some way or form.  Every one of those individual recommendations across the eight (8) topic areas of the WS Final Report have been set forth in a separate document with the purpose of identifying GAC applicable recommendations . This document has been designed to inventory the scope of the recommendations calling for GAC implementations. 


The implementation, plans and priorities for addressing these recommendations ultimately need to be discussed and developed by GAC members.


To review GAC's progress on the implementation of the WS2 Recommendations, please visit the GAC WS2 Recommendations Implementaiton Tracking Tool (updated monthly).


Work Stream 2 Community Coordination Group

The WS2 Community Coordination Group is being created to serve as a forum for ICANN community structures to exchange information on best practices and lessons learned, as well as for sharing information on progress related to the community’s implementation of WS2 recommendations.

The Coordination Group will also be where the WS2 recommendations or topics that can benefit from a uniform, community-wide approach will be identified and addressed.

In addressing community-wide implementation, the WS2 Community Coordination Group is expected to discuss:

  • The relevant priority of these recommendations in the context of other WS2 recommendations implementation and overall community workload.
  • The scope of and opportune timing for additional community consultations (as needed).
  • How to reach broad community agreement on these recommendations.
  • What each individual community group will need to carry out in regard to any agreed implementation.

ICANN org suggested that each SO/AC/RALO/SG complete its appointment of its primary and secondary representatives by 11 February 2022 (see GAC Appointments page for GAC volunteers list), with the aim of having the WS2 Community Coordination Group hold an initial call before ICANN73. The initial call will allow the group to familiarize itself with its scope of work, discuss a potential timeline and a cadence for its calls.

Subsequent calls would then involve discussion as to the order in which the community would approach implementing the relevant recommendations. These recommendations are Recommendation 1.1 (on proposed elements of diversity), Recommendation 1.7 (on a process for handling complaints about diversity), and Recommendation 2.3 (on a standalone framework for exercising Empowered Community powers). We understand that there may be other recommendations that can benefit from information sharing purposes as well, but wanted to flag these specific recommendations to you as those that require cross-community coordination. 

ICANN org Reporting on Implementation Progress

May 2022 

November 2021

August 2022


ICANN org WorkStream 2 Implementation Page

Meeting and Records

2025 Implementation Progress of GAC Tracking Tool (snapshot)


Pending In Progress Complete Not Applicable  Contributions
January 2025 11 8 25 13 GAC WGs: 17
GAC Leadership: 12
GAC Support: 20
GE/GSE: 1 ICANN org: 3


For past implementation tacking, please see GAC Tracking Tool Implementation Progress.

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Date: 09 Mar 2022
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09 Mar 2022 Report 1646826180000
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