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Iniciativas de trabajo

El GAC suele analizar una amplia gama de cuestiones de política pública que afectan al DNS y otros asuntos relacionados con las funciones de la ICANN. El resultado de este trabajo puede ser un asesoramiento consensuado que se presenta a la Junta Directiva de la ICANN, o bien una orientación a la comunidad de la ICANN a través de comentarios públicos. Esta sección del sitio web ofrece información sobre estos temas e iniciativas.

GAC Action/Decision Radar

Last Updated: 08 May 2023
Status: Active
Lead: GAC Chair

This page records the regular update of the GAC's Action Decision Radar.


The GAC Action Decision Radar aims to provide an exhaustive picture of all foreseeable and envisioned GAC outputs with an estimate of timing, indications of dependencies, the anticipated level of effort and key reference documentation.


It is available in two formats:

  • a live version at http://go.icann.org/gac-adr (which GAC Support Staff updates continuously as events warrant)
  • a PDF snapshot, circulated on regular basis and memorialized on this page.


It was developed by the GAC Support Team in collaboration with the GAC Leadership and in consultation with several GAC Members who kindly evaluated and provided feedback on an early draft.