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GAC 2022 Chair and Vice-Chairs Elections

Last Updated: 03 Nov 2022
Status: Completed
Related Topics:

The annual GAC leadership election cycle will conclude during the ICANN75 Meeting in September 2022. The annual election cycle begins with the opening of an extensive nomination period at the end of the ICANN74 Virtual Policy Forum.

This year’s leadership elections are open for the positions of one Chair who serves a two-year term and five GAC Vice-Chairs who serve one-year terms.


Nomination Period

The nomination period started on 16 June 2022 and will close at 23:59 UTC on 5 August 2022.


Since no nominations for the GAC Chair position were received before the close of the original nomination period, the nomination period, for the GAC Chair position only, has been extended until 23:59 UTC on 15 August.


This web page provides detailed information about the nomination process and will be updated as events warrant. 


Pertinent information regarding the nomination process is set forth as follows:

  • Self-nominations or third-party nominations for the Chair and Vice-Chair positions should be made by email to the GAC membership mailing list – gac@icann.org. A nominating email should be clearly titled as “GAC Vice-Chair Nomination". Candidates can only be nominated during the nomination period.
  • Individuals nominated by a third party will be asked by ICANN GAC Support staff to confirm their acceptance of the nomination and willingness to stand for election. Self-nominations will not require that confirmation.  
  • The ICANN GAC Support staff will keep track of the nominations on the GAC website.
  • The eligibility requirement stated in GAC Operating Principle 22, that GAC Chair and Vice Chair candidates be “accredited representatives” has, in practice, been taken to mean that GAC Member Primary Representatives, Alternate Representatives and Advisors are eligible for nomination and election to serve.
  • Two reminders about the nomination period will be sent to the GAC membership list – the first about half way through the nomination period and a second reminder one week prior to the close of the nomination period. 
  • If the number of valid nominations are equal to or less than the number of open leadership positions, no balloting will be necessary and the nominated candidate(s) will be elected by acclamation.  
  • If there are more nominations than seats available for a particular leadership position, then balloting will be conducted to fill the position. Any balloting will take place by electronic means as provided for in GAC Operating Principles 34 and 35. 
  • In addition to keeping track of the nominations on the GAC website, within three days of the close of the nomination period, the ICANN GAC Support staff will inform the membership of the need for an election by ballots or acclamation. 


Balloting Period

If needed, balloting period will start on 29 August 2022 and conclude at 23:59 UTC on 20 September 2022.


Election Results

Election results will be announced on 21 September 2022.

Ongoing Work

List of GAC Chair Nominee(s)

Person Nominated Nominator Date of Nomination
Nicolas Caballero (Paraguay) Francis Olivier Cubahiro (Burundi) 11 August 2022



List of GAC Vice-Chairs Nominee(s)

Person Nominated Nominator Date of Nomination
Nigel Hickson (United Kingdom) Finn Petersen (Denmark) 16 July 2022
Shi Young Chang (Republic of Korea) Ian Sheldon (Australia) 19 July 2022
Francis Olivier Cubahiro (Burundi) Blaise Azitemina Fundji (Democratic Republic of Congo) 3 August 2022
Ola Bergström (Sweden) Self-nomination 4 August 2022
Zeina Bou Harb (Lebanon) Self-nomination 5 August 2022