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GAC 2018 Leadership Elections

Last Updated: 13 Jun 2019
Status: Completed

The annual GAC leadership elections cycle will conclude in Barcelona, Spain on 20 October 2018.

As reflected in the Nomination Period has begun with the opening of an extensive nomination period during the ICANN62 Policy Forum and potentially concludes with a balloting period before and during the ICANN Annual General Meeting (AGM) at ICANN63 in late October in Barcelona, Spain.

This year’s leadership elections are open for the position of GAC Chair who serves a two-year term and the five GAC Vice Chairs who each serve one-year terms.

Nomination Period

The nomination period began on 27 June 2018 and will be open until 2359 UTC on 5 September 2018. 

This web page provides detailed information about the nomination process and will be updated as nominations are received and acknowledged.


Pertinent information regarding the nomination process is set forth as follows:

  • Self-nominations or third-party nominations for the Chair and five Vice Chair positions should be made by email to the GAC membership mailing list – gac@icann.org.  A nominating email should be clearly titled as “GAC Chair Nomination” or “GAC Vice Chair Nomination”. Candidates can only be nominated during the nomination period.
  • Individuals nominated by a third party will be asked by ICANN GAC support staff to confirm their acceptance of the nomination and willingness to stand for election.  Self-nominations will not require that confirmation.
  • The eligibility requirement stated in GAC Operating Principle 22, that GAC Chair and Vice Chair candidates be “accredited representatives” has, in practice, been taken to mean GAC Member Primary Representatives, Alternate Representatives and Advisors are eligible for nomination and election to serve.
  • Two reminders about the nomination period will be sent to the GAC membership list – the first about half way through the period and a second reminder one week prior to the close of the nomination period.
  • If the number of valid nominations for a particular leadership position are equal to or less than the number of open leadership positions, no balloting will be necessary and the nominated candidate(s) will be elected by acclamation. 
  • If there are more nominations than seats available for a particular leadership position, then balloting will be conducted to fill the position. Any balloting will take place by electronic means as provided for in GAC Operating Principles 34 and 35.
  • Within three days of the close of the nomination period, the ICANN GAC support staff will inform the membership of the need for an election by ballots or acclamation.


Although actual balloting is not guaranteed, each election cycle allows the staff to update GAC membership information, because staff uses the membership list information to manage the election balloting. Once again this year, if necessary, the leadership election will be conducted using an electronic voting tool. 

The electronic voting tool defines the electorate by email address.  Thus, it is very important that you verify that your GAC Member information on the GAC website is correct.  The first person listed in your member entry will be considered as the “voter” for your country or territory.  Please notify gac-staff@icann.org if an individual other than the first person listed should be the one to cast the vote or if an email address than the one listed should be used for the balloting process.





Ongoing Work


Persons nominated for the Chair vacancy are identified below: 

Person Nominated


Date of Nomination

Manal Ismail


19 July 2018








Persons nominated for the Vice-Chair vacancy are identified below: 

Person Nominated


Date of Nomination

Olga Cavalli (Argentina)

Alejandra Erramuspe (Uruguay)

13 July 2018

Thiago Jardim (Brazil)

Benedicto Fonseca Filho (Brazil)

14 July 2018

 Pär Brumark (Niue)


15 July 2018

Chérif Diallo (Senegal)


16 July 2018

 Luisa Paez (Canada)

 Pamela Miller (Canada)

27 August 2018